Child's Play and Pranks

Start from the beginning

   Sophie opened the door and the girls walked in. "Hello what can I do for you today" a sales clerk asked kindly. "We would like to get some ice cream to go, we just don't know what to get" Sophie said. The clerk smiled and grabbed some containers and set them on the counter. Biana and Sophie pointed at a bunch of different flavors, eventually settling on mocha, mint chocolate moose tracks, cookie dough, fudge and caramel drizzled brownie batter, California sorbet a mixture of orange, strawberry and lemon sorbet ice creams and French vanilla and chocolate chunk swirl. The girls payed and left. They hurried home and set the ice cream in the freezer. They then made sandwiches and wraps, cut up fresh fruit, made some sweets to go with the ice cream, and they packed up drinks and the ice cream. Fitz and Tam carried the stuff out to the red Escalade and packed it up in the trunk. Linh grabbed some blankets and Marella grabbed a speaker. Dex and Keefe joined everyone in the car and they took off, Fitz driving and, of course, Sophie right next to him. Once Fitz parked the car, they all climbed out and the boys grabbed the coolers and baskets out of the trunk. Linh and Marella grabbed the blankets and the speaker and Sophie ran with Biana  over to the tree she and Fitz sat at yesterday. "She's something else isn't she" Fitz asked Tam as they walked to the tree. "Sophie? Yeah she is. Biana as well. At least they are pretty to make up for the fact that they leave us to do everything. I would probably get mad if it weren't for the way Biana makes me melt." Fitz chuckled. By that time they reached the tree, and Sophie grabbed a blanket and let it catch the air before spreading it out on the ground. They all say down and Biana and Linh got everything out. "Thanks for the help" Fitz said. Sophie and Biana smiled and said at the same time, "Your welcome!" They shared a look and giggled. Fitz and Tam smiled.

   "Do you want to go to the waterfall up the way" Sophie whispered to Biana and Linh. "Sure. But why are we whispering" Biana asked. "So the boys don't hear us. We don't have to do everything with them" Sophie said with a mischievous smile. "Ok. Linh we can use you to hide us behind the waterfall" Biana suggested. "I will, but I think I should hang back so that way they don't suspect anything. Why don't you keep your mind open to ours so that way we can communicate with each other without them knowing. I can control my ability from a ways" Linh suggested. Sophie nodded. "Ok I'll do it." She opened her mind to them and they came up with a plan to keep the boys distracted while they hid. Linh was going to show them a flower away from the girls and Sophie and Biana were going to run straight for the trees and run through them to the waterfall to try and keep hidden. Linh got up and walked over to a flower and picked it up, calling everyone besides Sophie and Biana over. Biana and Sophie raced to the trees and to the waterfall. 

Authors note

Bold is Biana 

Italics is Sophie 

Underlined is Linh 

Linh, we need you to part the waterfall so we can hide behind it.

Ok. Hey you guys should scream so you scare the boys. It will be funny to watch Fitz and Tam stress out like that.

Sophie and Biana giggled and watched the waterfall part. They stepped in it and screamed. The waterfall closed slowly and they stifled laughs. 

"Was that Sophie" Fitz asked frantically. "Sophie" he called out. They heard another scream. "Biana" Tam yelled. "Fitz help me" Sophie yelled. The boys ran in the direction of the screams and Linh was behind them, trying so hard not to laugh. 

Sophie use your enhancing ability to enhance Biana so you guys can vanish. Then levitate to the top of the waterfall and to the trees. Hide apart from each other. I'll part the waterfall at the top.

Why do we hide apart?

So that way when the boys find you, it will be a private reunion type thing. I'll help with guiding them towards you.

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