Drive By

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    Sophie woke up with the sun streaming through the windows. She checked the time on the clock. 7:30. She tried to roll out of bed, but strong arms pulled her back down. "Stay. Please" Fitz begged. Sophie giggled and kissed him on forehead. She turned on the TV and coaxed Fitz back to sleep by running her hands through his hair. When his breathing slowed, and he rolled over in his sleep, Sophie confirmed that he was asleep. She turned the TV off. She crept out the door and shut it. She ran down to the controls room. She made a video for when Fitz woke up. She sent it to the TV in her room and walked to the kitchen. Everyone would be getting up soon and would want breakfast, so Sophie made waffles, sausage, eggs and bacon. Pretty soon, Tam came down the stairs. "How was last night" he asked. Sophie looked up from mixing the waffle batter to see who it was. "Wonderful, Fitz took me to the restaurant that i've been wanting to go to." Tam smiled. "Then he took me for a walk along the beach and he gave me the most beautiful necklace ever." Tam laughed. "It was the one that Biana said that you wanted really bad, wasn't it" he asked. Sophie nodded. "Well once she comes down here, you should tell her not to buy it for you. It would be a waste of money ." Sophie rolled her eyes and laughed. "That girl sometimes." Tam laughed again. "You guys were out late last night. Everyone was here by the time we got back. We got back around eight thirty. We asked where you were and Marella said that you guys still hadn't returned. Dex was anxious. I could tell he was worried." Sophie swallowed. Dex was probably scared that the Neverseen may have gotten them. She looked up. "Well, he doesn't exactly trust Fitz with my life just yet. Or Fitz for that matter" She said, cocking her head at the last part.

When Fitz wakes up

  Fitz's eyes fluttered open. He rolled over to look at Sophie, but she wasn't there. He sat up and the TV turned on. Strange. Then an image of Sophie appeared. Then the video started. 

Good morning handsome. Last night was a dream come true. Thank you so much. I want to personally thank you, so I will do that later. I'm glad that i'm sharing my life with you. I love you. She blew him a kiss and the screen went blank. I know I know that was terrible but I really sadly couldn't think of anything 

   Fitz laughed. "She's amazing." He rolled out of bed and walked downstairs. He heard Sophie and Tam's laughter ring merrily from the kitchen. He started to walk again when he heard his name. He crept silently down the stairs so he could hear. "He doesn't exactly trust Fitz with my life yet. Or Fitz for that matter." He walked into the  room. "Who doesn't trust me?"

Switch to onlooking Sophie 

"Who doesn't trust me?" Sophie dropped her spoon. She looked up to see Fitz walk into the room. She smiled, trying to change the subject. "Fitz. I didn't think you would be up so early. How did you sleep?" Fitz sat down and narrowed his eyes. "Don't play that game Soph, I know what you said." Sophie looked back down at the batter and started to mix again. She then moved to the waffle maker and started the first waffle. "I have no clue what your talking about" She said innocently. Fitz sighed. "Sophie, please don't deny it. I know you were talking about me." Sophie growled. "Darn it" she mumbled. She turned to Fitz, and her voice and gaze automatically softened. "Dex. Dex doesn't trust you very well." Fitz raised his eyebrows. "Well why doesn't he" he asked. Sophie laughed. "That's funny" she said when she calmed down. "I'm serious Sophie. I don't understand why he doesn't trust you." Sophie sighed. "He doesn't trust you very well because he doesn't like you the best. And because he's over protective of me." Fitz looked confused. "And he doesn't like me because?" Sophie rolled her eyes. "Your slow. I thought you were smarter than this, or is just because it's the morning." Fitz smiled a tiny bit. It was hard to stay mad at her. "I'll tell you what, if you can't figure it out here in the next twenty minutes, then i'll tell you." She turned back to making breakfast. "Fair enough" he said. He  stood up and went back up to his room. Before he left the room, he said "And I slept great. Thanks for the note." With that, he turned and went up to his room. Sophie finished up breakfast, and by that time, everyone was downstairs, except Fitz. "Man is he still sleeping" Biana asked. "No he was down here, but he went back upstairs after a short conversation" Tam said. "What did you do to him Bangs Boy" Keefe asked. Tam glared at him and Keefe laughed. "Actually, I kind of dismissed him. I told him if he couldn't figure out why Dex doesn't like as much as Keefe or Tam in the next twenty minutes, then i would tell him. But I never said that I would tell him the real reason" Sophie said with a mischievous smile. They all laughed. "He really can't figure it out" Dex said between laughs. "Nope" Sophie said. "Why don't you like him Dex" Linh asked. "Because he gets all of the girls." Keefe's smile faded. "It's a shame isn't it. Especially when they could have all of this" Keefe said, jestering to himself. They all laughed and Sophie started to set the table. She put the plates down on the table and told everyone that she would be right back. "I'm going to get Fitz."

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