Chapter 10

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Sora slides the door closed behind her and lets out sigh of relief. That was the last patient for her rounds today and she is just too drained to even to anything anymore.

"Tiring day?"

Sora quickly turns around to find Dr Park Jimin, coming out from the patient's room just beside her. There he is, Dr Park Jimin, one of the youngest and the most good-looking doctors in this hospital. He works in the pediatric and he is frequently seen running around with the kids, taking them out for a walk at the park. He is indeed a role-model to all the new doctors. He does his work well, has good reputation with the kids and their parents, talks politely and he does everything with manners. Not to mention very professional, he keeps his distant safe from all gossips that might involve him and only keeps his focus on his work. But the thing is, Dr Park Jimin is a natural smooth-talker when it comes to Sora. Sora could feel that he likes her, but he kept it subtle and never crossing the line. And that, she is thankful for.


"I haven't seen you for quite some time", Jimin said as they walk  towards the lift.

"I was busy with reports thus I rarely come up here", Sora replied as she pressed the lift button

"I see. We haven't got to talk ever since the meeting last month. How have you been?"

"I have been good. Busy but good. You Dr Park?", she replied as them both got into the empty lift.

Jimin quickly pressed " 5" and he turns to look at Sora, his eyes asking her which floor will she head to.

"Three please, thank you"

"You're heading to the lobby?", Jimin asked softly

"Yes, I have to meet a patient's next of kin. I almost forgot about it"

As they were talking, the lift suddenly slides open at the 8th floor, and to Sora's surprise, Jungkook was there waiting for the lift. She gulped as she didn't expect to see Jungkook there. Jungkook swiftly walked in and stood in between Sora and Jimin.

"Are you done for today?", he asked

"Do I look like I am done?", Sora replied as she massages her neck.

Jimin couldn't help but to realize Jungkook is casually talking to Sora and he suddenly felt the need to introduce himself.

"You are...?", he began

"Oh! I am sorry, I am Detective Jeon Jungkook. Im Dr Kim's friend"

Jimin raised his eyebrows as he takes Jungkook's hands and shake it. "Park Jimin, nice to meet you"

But before Jungkook could respond, the lift slides open at the 5th floor and Jimin quickly excused himself as he bows politely to both of them. The door closed again, leaving Sora and Jungkook alone in the big lift.

So that is Dr Park Jimin.

"Is that your secret admirer?", Jungkook teases

"What? Who?", Sora asked bluntly

"That Park Jimin"

"Admirer? What are you talking about?", Sora walked out of the lift as she rolled her eyes, not wanting to respond to Jungkook.

Jungkook just raised his eyebrows as he watches Sora fleeing the conversation. He walked out of the lift and stood there as he watched Sora approaching an elderly man nearby the main reception counter. She bows politely as smiles to the elderly man, the man seems to be really pleased meeting her. Jungkook was somehow thunderstruck to watch Sora speaking ever so softly even he couldn't hear her but with the look on her face and her gestures, he knows Sora is good when it comes to communicating with people.

It's Definitely You [ Jeon Jungkook] ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora