"Yeah hello? I need you to come down here... no it's an emergency. He's alive, but stabbed it's pretty deep." He glares at me and I sit there, giving him a hard look. "Of course I can treat it. I stopped the bleeding, but she's slippery, I need someone else to do it so she doesn't run."

He hangs up the phone slowly takes his jacket off. A dog tag rests on the top of his white tank top and his shoulders glisten with sweat. A black banded tattoo on his toned bicep that curved into fire marks at the tips. He drags a chair in front of me, the knife between his two hands.

"All you had to do is come inside. Now we have to wait here for longer." The man with the jet black hair says. I don't say anything. Just stare.

He holds my gaze for a bit, but eventually lets his eyes travel to my arm and then to the knife.

"I don't know if it's just a coincidence. When I saw your tattoo, I knew it was the symbol. I was never sure." What the hell is he talking about. "But seeing this, just proves it is what I think it is."

I tilt my head, but don't show an expression. His hand touches my arm to trace the wings, but I quickly jerk back. He raises an eyebrow and runs a hand through his hair. Then he sits back, just staring at me. Studying my features. Judging my character. Learning how my mind works.

"I never knew you were his daughter." He mutters and my throat goes dry. What does he mean? Did he know my father? How? He was just an ordinary guy. He never had anything to do with the mafia or gangs. He was just killed by one.

"Why haven't you kill me yet?" I say in a flat tone.

"Oh so she does speak." The one on the other bed growls a bit.

"You said it. You're needed alive." The boy in front of me says. I see a light outside and his head turns. This is my last chance. If that's Hyunsoo, I'm done for. Worse than just death. I need to run.

While he's distracted, I let my knee fly up, hitting him right in the jaw and up his face. Disoriented, he falls back and I stand up, making a break for the door.

Before I touch the handle, the door flies opens revealing a much taller man than me. He grabs my arms, but ignoring my bullet wound, I rip my arms out of his grip and punch him in the nose and kick his knee out. The man falls and grumbles something and as I see the perfect chance, arms grab me from behind.

I scream as they press into my bad shoulder and drag me back, blood trickling down my arm. I try push him with my weight, but he knows what to expect now. He folds the back of my knee and I drop to the floor.

"Why wouldn't you fucking tie her up?!" He barks angrily at the smallest boy as he stands up.

"I- uh-"

"Oh my god, just get Taehyung. Plans changed, we're leaving tonight. Someone spotted her." He rubs his nose, extending his knee. They he takes a zip tie and tightens it around my wrist aggressively and grabs my arm, yanking me to my feet. Um ow.

What does he mean someone spotted me? Like someone to help me? Cause these three sure as hell aren't going to help me. They're most likely Hyunsoo's men. But I don't understand how they found me so quickly.

The boy follows his orders, packing everything up. The man with blonde whispy hair keeps a tight grip on my arm and his eyes widen a bit when he looks at my tattoo. Then his face hardens again. What's with these guys?

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