25. Showerfall

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I groan and squeak as the water makes contact with my skin. Tears spring into my eyes as I tighten my lips. The steamed room soothes my muscles slightly, making them feel slightly looser, but not much. The water is warm, but when it touches my wounds or cuts, it's like the water is scorching hot.

It's hard to move my left arm because of my shoulder. Jimin ended up giving me a sling, but I obviously can't wear it in the shower.

"Are you okay in there?" Jin asks from the other side of the door.

"Yeah." I manage to push out in a small voice. "It just hurts."

"I know, I'm really sorry. Are you using the rail?"

"No.." I say, looking down at my naked body as I sit on the tiled seat.

"Okay, don't force yourself if you can't do it. If you need any help though, don't hesitate to ask. Trust me, I'm used to these sorts of things. Ive seen a lot."

I let out a dry laugh.

"You've seen a lot of naked people in other words?"

He returns a small chuckle.

"I guess so, yeah. I'm a doctor right? Anyways, I'm just saying, if you feel strained, don't push yourself because you don't want me to see you. I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, just trust me on that."

"I know. That's why I chose you." I say, sighing. "I trust you, but obviously at the same time I don't want you to see me like this."

He's silent for a second.

"You're not just talking about the nudity, are you?"

I don't respond.

"You don't want me to see your body because of the damage."

"It's disgusting." I shake my head. "I feel sick just looking at it."

"It's nothing to be disgusted or embarrassed about. It's a part of who we are. The damage is just a small piece of you temporarily. It's not like I'll never look at you the same. It won't change the way I see you. In fact, it'd be somewhat reassuring. You're human like the rest of us. You can't stop the damage from being dealt, so you might as well embrace it."

I just nod even though he can't see me.

"Have you gotten into the water yet?"

"No. It stings like a bitch. I'll try hurry, I just need a minute."

"It's totally fine, you don't need to rush."

He falls silent and I close my eyes, trying to ignore the pain burning every part of my body. I push my palms on the seat below me and shift forward, my legs entering the water at a slow pace. I let out a whimper and tears block  my view. I huff out a deep breath and push more.

As the warm water falls onto my body, it feels as if bricks drop on my wounds one by one, stinging and creating throbbing pains.

As I get closer to my stitched leg, the area starts to hurt. I just push through it and submerge the gash in water.

I cry out in pain, gripping my leg to keep it still under the water and Jin knocks on the door. 


"I'm fine." I strain.

"Are you sure you don't want help?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good." I say as my skin starts to gets used to the warm fluids. "I'll let you know if I need help." I sigh, squeezing my eyelids shut.

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