I Love You

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Chapter 63


"I want chicken nuggets and French Fries and a toy and apple juice..." Alma kept listing off thing she wanted from McDonald's. A promise is a promise. And if this is how she wanted to celebrate this is how we were going to celebrate.

"All these things she's asking for I feel will lead to diabetes", Adam said holding my hand as we sat in the Drive-Thru in his Bentley. I didn't really feel like taking the limo home with my grandmother after our fight.

"It's American. If you're not on your way to heart failure or type 2 diabetes you're not America-ing right", I joked.

"Only thing missing is a diet large Coke", Adam smiled.

"Can I have something?" Lara said leaning forward in between us.

"Of course", I said.

Squinting her eyes and leaning forward a little bit more she tried to read the menu two cars ahead of us," What's a Mac?"

"A rich man's shitty computer", I said throwing hate on Apple. I don't think she got my joke but Adam did.

"Its a hamburger", Adam clarified.

" Ooo I'll take that ", she said sitting back in her chair proud of her choice.

"And a toy! TOY! TOY! TOY!" Alma screamed in the back of the car like a computer fritzing out.

"Okay, we're not going to forget your toy", for the love of God we were not going to get this toy.

"Daddy, will you play my playlist?" Alma asked antsy in her seat.

"Mmhhh", Adam connecting his phone to the Bluetooth.

Immediately the car base was blasting with cuss words and someone yelling 'shot, shot, shot'.

What the hell?

"No, no, no!"I said turning off the song Alma and Lara both knew. "Absolutely not, where did you hear this?" I said shocked being the most Mom I had ever been.

"With Daddy and uncle Michael", Alma said innocently.

I turned to Adam with wide eyes," Really?"

"Its a song, love", Adam said shrugging his shoulders.

"About N word this. And F my P that. And D this. And 69 that. No! Disney channel, please", I said making a mental note that I needed to put a child lock on the things Alma could listen to.

"Disney's for babies!" Alma complained.

"Disney's for everyone", I said as Love is an Open Door started to play. "And no more shoot-'em-up kill'em songs".

We finally started to move even though no one was happy with my music choice. Alma and Lara both got their food and ate as we headed home. As we pulled into our garage 40 minutes later I turned around to see Alma sleep with a chicken nugget hanging out of her mouth and her toy tightly grasped in her hand.

Poor baby was exhasted.

"Will you?" I asked turning to Adam it was already undoing his bow tie.

"Yup", he said as we got out of the car.

"Night!" Lara with her heels in her hand walking up the stairs.

"O", normally I get to tuck her in," Good night", I said a little disappointed.

And that I'm carried Alma up to her room I throw away the trash they left in the car. And after the car was sufficiently clean. I took Alma award and plaque upstairs into the main study room. Now everyone that came into the house would see her accomplishment. I took off my shoes and headed upstairs to the master bedroom. In a brilliant stroke of luck with the twins and Daniel were both asleep. I took off my make up and changed into one of my nightgowns took one of the pills Dr. Min had prescribed me for postpartum depression. As I slid into bed Adam walked in undressing as soon as he crossed the threshold throwing his clothes on the floor.

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