First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

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Chapter 52


Okay, I went too far. I was trying to hurt Adam and I succeeded too well. Four days had passed and he wouldn't  utter a single syllable my way. I occasionally saw him at the hospital when he was checking on the baby. We still had named him yet and I was just calling him peanut seeing as that's what I was calling him when he was still in my womb. I had a 12-person team of two doctors, eight nurses and two Pediatrics. His room was full of cameras and I could look at him or talk to him anytime of the day from my phone. That's what I was currently doing now as I sat at my desk in my office.

My corner office was a symbol of my success and power. It is my throne room where I rule. Mahogany-lined with a trim of gold was generously use throughout  the office. I modeled my office after my father's. Except mine had a beautiful view of the arch. The first time I showed my parents I remember my mother saying it was too masculine. To appease her, I added a golden Chandelier that gave the room a softer feel. But it only made sense for it to overall feel masculine with it's hardwood floors thesame as the wall and desk. My executive computer chair was a plush white leather which matched a long couch pushed against the wall that had all of my accomplishments framed and hung opposite two the wall that held my 60 inch television I rarely got to watch. I had a wall dedicated to my medical journals and encyclopedias. And like my grandmother I only had one family picture but I kept on my desk next to my computer.

Knock knock

I set my phone down and said,"Come in", I wanted this hospital to have an open door policy period but today I was not feeling like having a hundred people barge to my office.

"Look who I found in the lobby", a familiar voice said making me stand.

"Nana? I didn't know you were going to come so quickly. I would have had someone picked you up at the airport", I said with a smile as she pushed a double stroller into my office with the twins. She wore a white pantsuit with a beige jacket. As usual she was head to toe dressed in gold and heels. "Look at us matching", the only difference was my suit had Navy pinstripes on the pants and a white blouse on top. I immediately knelt down to see the twins. Fitz was fast asleep but Maria was up and alert. I picked her up and walked over to the couch.

"I see you finally caved and got a nanny", my grandmother said taking off her jacket and hanging it on a nearby coat rack. She pushed the stroller with fits in it closer to us and took a seat next to me on the couch.

I bounced Maria as she stared up fixated on the chandelier above head," A lot's going on and we don't have---"

"Time? That's no excuse Jennifer you should be there for your children. Not letting some stranger raise them you know better", she scolded me pouring herself a drink from the decanter on the coffee table in front of us. She held a cup to me which I declined.

Yeah, I should. But I didn't have time in the day. I quickly changed the topic, just something she loved,"He's getting stronger", I said wiping Maria's face with her bib. She was a little fountain today. For the most part she could sit up on her own, Connie even told me she had started to hold her own bottle.

"Of course he is, he's a Price after all. Strength runs through his veins", my grandma said bleaming with pride.

"And a Faust and...a Caffrey", I said looking down to Maria. She and Fitz truly did have Adams emerald green eyes but she had my nose and black hair.

"You hesitated trouble in "paradise" or a normal day in hell", she said sippin on her bourbon.

I had learned throughout the years never to tell anyone if Adam and I were having problems. Especially on my side of the family, I would get no sympathy. And by the end of the conversation I would end up feeling worse then when it started,"Everything is fine. Just tired", which wasn't a lie. Couldn't really sleep at night I was too afraid the moment I close my eyes that would be the moment peanut needed me the most.

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