A Lazy Sunday

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Chapter 45


As the days started to pass I put Adams plan into action. He wanted to starve them out, fine. I would try things his way first. But the second thing started to go sideways we storm in.

Adam and I sat in the sun room with the twins as Lara worked on her homework. Alma was out running  errands with Connie. Maria was in her swing set, comfortably being rocked to sleep. Adam like to watch her just in case she stop breathing. Which, I keep reminding him I would get a text alert if something would happen from her owl sock. Fitz and I were bonding better. He prefers to lay in my lap as I gently bounced him up and down and padded his back. I think he liked to experiment with his voice, seeing what sounds he could make in mommy's lap.

The more I stayed around the twins the more I started to see their personalities coming out. Maria was fine being left in her own space. If she was hungry feed her and leave her be, if she was wet change her and put her back in her crib. That's where she was the most happiest at. Fitz on the other hand, worried me because he was starting do remind me of a little Michael. He was his most happiest in a little hat and his diaper only. Anything else he would try and rip off. But what really made my heart warm was if he was crying, he wanted me to hold him. He would stare up at me with a amazement and a smile that normally signaled that he farted but he smiled in my direction. So it counted.

Adam was in a better mood. Elliott decided to do physical therapy with him so that I believed was a good outlet for him. That way he wasn't constantly only talking to Michael, Brandon, Lara, Celine or me.


Adam and I quickly turned our heads and saw Lara had slammed her head into the kitchen table growling with frustration,"Kill me!"

The sudden noise made Fitz jump like he was trying to communicate,'What the hell was that?'

"Problem?" Adam asked.

"So many", she said crumbling up her paper and throwing it to the floor with her face still buried into the table. I stood up with Fitz and walked into the kitchen I picked up the piece of paper and saw Lara homework assignment.

It was one math problem. Pre-algebra to be more pacific. I saw her child like handwriting fill in her name and  eraser marks and scribbles beneath the question.

"A car uses eight litters of gasoline to travel 160km. How much gasoline will the car use to travel 400km. Show your work below", I sat down across from Lara.

"Easy, look at the gas tank", Adam said being no help. And let Fitz rest his head in the crook of my neck. He had an iron grip on my hair.

"Not helping", I said back to Adam. I turned to Lara giving her my full attention,"Would you like some help?" Despite Adams dislike of math, he was actually really good at it. I guess you had to be to build houses and run a multibillion-dollar drug Empire.

"No", she said speaking into the table her hair had fanned out like the ring girl. " I was trying to finish it before class, but I'm too stupid. I'll just have the tutor do it".

"Good plan", Adam said.

"No! No, no! Lara this is your homework. Your teacher is already being lenient with you. You have to try I know it's frustrating, but do as much as you can at least show them you made an effort", I said sounding like my mother.

She lifted her head up resting her chin on the table,"I don't get it".

"Get what be specific", she said.

"Can you read the problem?" I questioned.


"You understand what a liter and a kilometer are?" I pressed.

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