2.19 girl meets texas {part three}

Start from the beginning

"Why do we have to have feelings?" Riley asked.

"You don't. Get rid of them." Cory said.

"You think you like Lucas?" Topanga asked as she sat down.

"How can you not like him?" Maya asked.

"I didn't think you liked anybody." Topanga said.

"It's my facade." Maya said.

"Don't use big words correctly, May. It's not who ya are." Amzie said.

"We're Riley, Amzie, and Maya." Riley said.

"We know our priorities—" Maya started.

"—and nothing and nobody could ever come between us." Amzie finished.

"You are three confused kids who think you know what you're doing, but you don't. So don't do anything. Nothing is as easy as it seems when feelings are involved." Topanag said.

"Mom, it is easy. Lucas is like my brother and I want Maya to be happy." Riley said.

"You think being the master of Tombstone the Bull is hard? That is nothing compared to being the master of your feelings, Riley. They will shake you around and they will send you flying. Sometimes you hold on and sometimes you let go. It's the scariest ride there is." Topanga said.

"Well, what do you want us to do?" Riley asked.

"Don't feel. I want you not to feel." Cory said.

"Do they have to go to high school?" Topanga asked as she looked Cory.

"No! I have the power. I can hold them back." Cory said.

"Dad, you can't hold us back. We're growing up." Riley said.

"Can I hold them back?" Cory asked as he looked at Topanga.


"Can anything hold them back?" Cory asked.

"No. Are you okay, Riley?" Topanga asked.

"I'm gonna need to figure that out." Riley said.

"Are you okay?" Topanga asked as she looked at Amzie.

"I'm a little hungry."

"Are you okay?" Topanga asked as she looked at Maya.

"I'm gonna need to let her figure that out." Maya said.

"Oh no. They're gonna figure it out. What do we do?" Cory asked.

"We trust them." Topanga said.

"That's the worst idea I ever heard." Cory said.

"The Hoover Dam on the Arizona/Nevada border holds back ten trillion gallons of confused fourteen year old feelings that look to smack down the concrete structure of your life and my life and it can't take it and I don't want it, so everybody sit here and nobody move! Because as strong as the structural integrity of the Hoover Dam might be, just one little tiny drop of water that makes its way through this barrier will chip away at the structural integrity of our lives as we know them and the immediate result is the end of my personal happiness! So your assignment is to hold everything back until I die and not let anything through! Riley, what's that?" Cory asked after he saw a note in Riley's hand.


"Riley, did something get through?" Cory asked.

"Riley, something happened between me and Lucas." Maya said before Lucas sighed.

"Oh boy."

"Yes, Charlie. I will go out with you." Riley said as she looked in the back of the classroom.

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