Blogger life

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Moms the word

Hey yall! So I thought it would be good to impart my wisdom and experience as a mom with a child of medical issues and being a mom in general. There's a lot of things I can say about being a mom, now on this blog I'll be expressing my views and opinions on topics that mothers don't talk about. This blog won't be a place where I talk about mine and Phillips daughter, we still want to keep our family privet, this will be just a place where moms can talk and share our stories and opinions.

Let's talk about zippers on coats.....

Why do they have to put zippers on baby coats! It's hassle enough to put it on them let alone doing it up. For instance, if your out having a lovely family day and your child's diaper needs changing, now getting them to undress is a hassle in its self, let alone having to unzip their coat whilst they are moving and kicking about. You want to be as fast as possible changing a diaper don't you, so why do they have to make it more difficult for us!

Of course, I want my child to be wrapped up warm in the cold weather we can get here in Seattle but has anyone ever thought of using poppers on a baby's / toddlers coat just till there at the age where they understand to keep still or be able to up their coat by themselves.

I'm sure I speak for all the moms out here when I say I live for the day when it's summer and no coats are needed.

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