New York Advencher

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Thank you to the paparazzi for doing an amazing thing for once😻😻

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Thank you to the paparazzi for doing an amazing thing for once😻😻

1.78m likes 1m comments

Username1 Thank you for these blessing photos paps

Username2 paps your doing great sweetie

Username3 she is so beautiful it hurts

Username4 isn't that Seattle airport?

Username5 carwheeler reunion ^^^

Username6 Phillip is so cute posting theses

Username7  is everyone ready for the photos again cos I'm not

Username8 same ^^

MsWheeler see you in a few hours 💜💜💜



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1.45m likes 1m comments

Username1 Phillips her home now I can't 😭😭

Username2 god, I missed them together

Username3 Phillip jawline!

Username4 and that cute Tumblr crap have started

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