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↳R i l e y.

"Holy why is it so empty in here?" I questioned Jahseh looking around the house.
He sighs— "I was going to tell you sooner, We're getting kicked out" Jahseh speaks.

I widened my eyes, "Do you guys have a place to go afterwards?" I question Jahseh in worry.

He nodded, "Denzel offered a space in his house but he only had room for me meaning Ski we'll have to go with Ming until We find a bigger place for all of us".

I could tell he was stressed, Very stressed.
"But forget about it, We should get going on with our date" He spoke with a smile gripping my hand placing a kiss onto my lips.

I didn't want him to think I was expecting much, As long as both of us were having fun I didn't care whether it was somewhere fancy or anything, But I wanted him to get his mind off the whole moving situation at the moment.

"Jahseh, Exactly where are we going we've been waking for a bit now"
I didn't mean to sound so rude about taking a while to get downtown but I had a feeling that he didn't have a clue where we were going.

"I'm so sorry Riley, Truth is I didn't have anything planned I know it's my fault just give a chance" I said as he began to look even more stressed than before.

"Jahseh that's alright..." I drifted out in thought. "Do you want to go for some pizza?" I question as the pizza shop with the open symbol in all colours  stood out to me.

"Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere fancy?" He questioned looking at me weirdly.
I nodded with a smile talking a grip onto his hand dragging him over to the shop as fast as I could.

It was laughter and smiles all around.
Sitting down in a comfy black leather booth as we ate our pizza's followed by laughter here and there as we told funny stories about one another.

"You have pizza sauce on your finger" Jahseh pointed out, He did the honers of wiping it off with a napkin. "You know, This place isn't bad at all— Maybe We should come here more often" He speaks making me nod.

I took a look at my backpack that I placed beside the corner of the booth we sat in making me remember I had a small maybe dumb gift I had made last night at 12pm— Which made a great distraction to my sleep.

"I have something for you" I smiled beginning to un-zip my backpack. Squirming my hand around trying to make contact with a square shaped plastic.

Pulling out the CD in it's transparent case made me revealed putting a smile to his face.
"Its a mixtape I made last night it might be horrible—" He cut me off taking the CD into his hands with a excited expression.

"Are you kidding me, This is awesome!" He exclaimed— My insides began to smile but on the outside I had a shocked expression.

"Who's on here?" Jahseh questioned smiling.
"You'll have to listen" I teased with a laugh making him smile. "Give me two artists upon this that will get my very intrigued" He made the very bold.

I smiled at him, "Nirvana and the weeknd" I said mostly taking into consideration he might ask how I knew he absolutely loved the weeknd .

He looks at me with a wide eye expression.
"Stokeley told me— I thought that if I was going to make you a mixtape I should at least include the very best, And around 1 in the morning after an hour of making the mixtape I decided to question Stokeley about your favourite artist" I explained.

"I love you so much Riley" He said as he gets up coming to my side of the booth taking a grip upon my hand and kissing my cheek making me feel butterflies.

"Let's get out of here" Jahseh whisperers.
I take my zipped up bag putting it upon my shoulder leaving a exactly $1.53 upon the table as a tip for the lonely boy who worked by himself this night and we were off.

Once we made it around the corner of the small shop he harshly pushed me up against a brick wall, Our lips brushed against one another before we both let out a small laugh.

He connected his lips to mine, Starring into his eyes until they were fully closed making me put my hand around his neck making the kiss deeper and more sensational.

I felt his hands place onto my hips as he was eager for anything I had to give that would make this passionate kiss even more special.

I pulled away from the kiss to catch a breath, He moved onto my neck, Making me squirm in his touch. "I love you so much Jahseh" I let out biting my lip to the way he swirled his tongue around in one spot on my neck.

"I love you more, my love" He said as he bit onto my skin making me wince.
"Jahseh, I think someone's coming" I whispered laughing trying to push him off.

"Don't worry about it" He said putting a kiss onto my lips making  me smile and grip his hand.

All of a sudden the footsteps I heard earlier were getting Closer and closer making me hide behind Jahseh looking past his shoulder.

We were half way into a dark long looking ally.
Both of us on the look out for a clear sidewalk in front of us waiting for whoever past so we could get out of here.

It was just a woman who seemed to keep her eyes straight ahead.

"I know that I can't do any better than you Riley— And I want to know if you think you can do better than me, Please be honest".

I didn't know what to say, It caught me off guard once he spoke out of nowhere.
He looked into my eyes waiting in a response.

"No, I think you are perfect in every way" I smiled placing a kiss onto his cheek.
I laid my head back upon his shoulder as we sat on the edge of a rock letting our feet hover over the water that sparkled here in there once the light of the moon was shining over the darkness of the water.

"Why do you love me?" I question Jahseh looking up from his shoulder.
His eyes sparkled as he smiled.

"You understand me and I've never had the connection that we share with any other woman Before— And besides, I wouldn't be chasing you for this long if I didn't love you" He stated making me smile.

I get home with a smile upon my face as I wore Jahseh's over sized hoodie that kept me warm from today's breeze.

I see packed up boxes stacked up upon one another in a pile. I wondered what packed and taped boxes were doing out in the living room.

There seemed to be no one home— At least I thought until I seen Lamar exit their room wearing normal everyday clothes, It was the first time I've seen Lamar out of the police officer uniform that seemed to fit his character.

I narrowed my eyebrows, "What the hell are you doing here?" I spoke out.
"Riley be quiet" My aunt says as she comes up behind Lamar holding his hand tightly.

"He lives here now" Jasmine speaks looking up at Lamar with a smile. "Why do you always have to ruin everything?" I exclaimed at jasmine balling my fists angrily.

"You loose that attitude now Riley!" Lamar shouted at me making my eyes wince at his harsh tone. "Where's Kevin?" I questioned wanting for a response. "Probably out there drinking getting drunk, The usual".

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