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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"I just can't believe you guys get to witness that, It's so much fun and I'm pretty sure I haven't even got to see half of what you all get to see in your daily performances" I sounded excited to express myself and for some reason Jahseh had a small smile.

"Well we're pretty lucky, Our fan base is very much so strong" He spoke for him and the others in Members Only, "I hope I get to meet the rest of the guys soon".

It wasn't hiding the fact that I was basically a noobie to their everyday lifestyles, And I was okay with the fact that I was new to this— I knew from the second they told me about their lifestyles that it was going to be nothing like I pictured.

It was more so a expectations vs. reality kind of thing going on in my explosive brain.

Knowing my aunt would be expecting me to probably give me a lecture on what time is Okay and what time isn't okay to come home at, I didn't mind disobeying her rules for a little bit of fun.

Earlier things shifted around and somehow me and Jahseh were the only ones in this house of his. It was pure silence mixed in with droplets from his sink that seemed to be having some issues.

"Are we the only recent new friends you've made?" Jahseh questioned me with his signature smile.
"Well I met this girl, Amber. She seems genuine".

I felt uncomfortable for some weird unknown reason. We were inches apart from each other on this leather black couch we sat on.

"Hopefully you're someone I'll be close to one day" He says before trashing for his phone without hesitating. "I hope so too. Hey can I use your bathroom?" I felt this weird feeling again.

It was as if I didn't belong, It felt fun and it felt thrilling— Almost wrong.
As I excused myself to the bathroom I come face to face with myself in the small squared mirror.

I hold onto the sides of the shine white sink looking at myself. "Keep it cool Riley" I tell myself before taking a deep breath in.

I didn't know why I felt like this, It all started after everyone else left and all of a sudden I'm stressing over minor things.

Maybe it's because I went use to the surroundings around here but I knew that soon enough I would get use to it.

I didn't know how long me and Jahseh would stay in touch but they were all a getaway for sure, The half of members only.

I exit myself from the bathroom to hear Jahseh shout out, "Do you like anime?" I probably haven't heard that questioned since I was in the seventh grade.

"Oh, Of course" I had a wide smile which showed my Interest in anime. "This afternoon cake to a good start" I nodded agreeing with his statement.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇. | 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang