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"Kevin what the fuck?" Minutes after searching for my phone it seemed to just be right near him.

He put his hands up in defence, "What were you looking for?".

I shove my phone close to his face, "My phone". I stare at him as he just looked so happy while he lined up his white substance.

"Do you care to join me?" Starring down at his as if he were crazy. "Kevin maybe just clean this up before Jasmine gets back—".

He ran his hands through his long dirty blonde hair which fell over his eyes, "Riley one day you'll understand why I am the way I am, This is the only thing I look forward to".

"I'm going to leave now, Tell Jasmine not to call me. Bye Kevin" I waited on his yells maybe telling me to come back but all I got was a simple goodbye.

I didn't understand Kevin quite well, Sometimes I think he had a bipolar disorder.

I've been going with that excuse for his personality since the 7th grade when my teacher talked about it once.

As much I tired to entertain my head with good fun memories, Kevin's attitude sort of messed with me.

I was meeting Jahseh and the others once more. I never wanted this to end, Their performances. It was beginning to give me hope.

"Finally you're here" He looked mean, Confusing to me how his tone came out.

"Don't worry about it Riley, He's really Pissed" Stokeley said patting my back gently.

I was almost confused and I was pondering why and what had happened. I am guessing my look said it all, "Those guys over there are giving Jahseh a really hard time".

He pointed out a group of 2. Seeing Jahseh pacing around almost made me stressed myself.

I could barley explain the expression on his face, If this were a anime he'd have smoke shooting out his ears.

"What?" I snapped out of my thought once I seen Jahseh question me angrily.

"I wasn't—" I looked around seeing Stokeley's face as he also seemed confused.
"Stop fucking looking at me".

I stared into his eyes as I laugh it off gently.
"Jahseh calm down man, Just chill out".

I was embarrassed as I stayed back feeling Isaiah's hands apply small pressure to my shoulders.

"I'm sorry Riley, I'm sorry" Watching as Jahseh got dragged away by his manager as he apologized to me.

I just gave him a sweet smile, "He's had a pretty rough night, And knowing the cops are around leaving him option-less is driving him crazy" Isaiah states as he walks me over to Stokeley.

I watch as those assholes laugh at Jahseh being angry, I couldn't help but get upset. He was my friend and I wasn't having the pettiness tonight.

"Where are you going?" A worried Stokeley questions me. I didn't reply I just angrily walked myself over to their little group.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I speak as I cross my arms borrowing my eyebrows. "And who are you may I ask?".

"I think she's a groupie bro— One of those worthless bitches" One of his friends talked, I roll my eyes and my fist connects to his strong jaw. He looked at me with a smile before laughing out loud.

"Riley!" Hearing Jahseh call for me made me feel as if he thought I were stuck in a situation I were going to have trouble getting out of.

I kicked the boys balls, Yes I felt proud. I watched as he clenched over in pain with the crowd began to get excited.

Pushing him over with all my strength and kicking the back of his head next to a curb, I didn't plan this to go so far.

"Dude!" I look around for James in the amused crowd, "Don't you ever fucking call me out of my name again".

My fist was stopped by the alpha of the group. "Alright we'll go. We just came to have fun".

"Riley. Y-you didn't have to do that you know?" I nod my head expecting a lecture from Jahseh.

"Sorry I was only trying to help" He cut me off rudely saying, "Next time let me handle it".

Hearing him say that messed with me, "It didn't look like it" I reply smartly.

Jahseh walks off leaving me with Stokeley, Isaiah and James. They all just looked at me. "Well what the fuck was I supposed to say? I was only trying to be a good friend".

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇. | 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Kde ÅŸijí příběhy. Začni objevovat