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Smoking wasn't a daily thing for me, Although I wasn't craving a cigarette I told myself it would get things off my mind.

Anger was at the top of my head but I didn't feel any kind of hate towards him at all. Looking down at the Small chain once more made me calm down.

I knew he was under pressure and not to take it out on him, My fists ached but maintained myself.

Music begins to form, It was loud enough that I could almost feel the floor shakes beneath me.

"I been trying to find you all night" A bright smiling James burst catching me off guard.

"I didn't know you were coming tonight" I say as I hug him tightly pulling away with a smile.

"I sort of stopped by, I was going to go skate with a couple of my friends but they are pussy's to come to a place like this. One of them had a cop daddy so dude no shit" Sometimes when I would look at James I would focus only on his funny faces.

It calmed me down, "Yeah makes sense, Still surprised he's still associating with you" His eyebrows raised before crossing his arms.

"Now that I think about it—" I roll my eyes childishly getting ready for his blabbering.

"Ducking asshole" The blonde girl who comforted the boy I connected my fist to.

I smile while giving her a nice wave goodbye, James seemed confused, "Long story".

"What's yo gnarly dude?" I watch as Stokeley
Do this weird hand shake thing that James surprisingly followed.

"Hey you mind?" Stokeley says referring the the half gone cigarette in my hand, I shake my head as I pass it over to him.

"He's really just under a lot of pressure right now Rie, And trust me he didn't mean it" I smiled as I nodding my head, "I understand".

"Reallt I am fine. We all lash out sometimes Jahseh, It's ok" he laid his head upon my shoulder.

I liked the fact that I could comfort him so well, "You were being an asshole though" I laugh as he smiles.

"I think you guys should really get rid of him" I speak out loud. Jahseh looked around while everybody was confused as to who I was referring to.

"The manager. For one, He's a piece of shit"— James cuts me off adding on to my statement, "He doesn't let any of you guys do shit while you're paying him and what for?".

The group looked at me and James while nodding, "I think that guy from the tattoo shop would even make a better manager this this guy".

I had completely forgotten that parlours name, "I'm pretty sure he does it all".

"He can make a very good security guard from what Riley tells me" James crosses his arms as he began to hand out cigarettes.

"I bet he knows lots about marketing as well, The guy has the shop and all" Said a resting Jahseh.

"You guys are right, I give this guy at least 3 days if I'm being honestly" Said a annoyed Stokeley.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇. | 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora