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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"Thanks" he said thanking me as he didn't hesitate to open the cap.

Looking at the others James seems to give me a warm smile. He handed out his hand and I already knew what he was asking for.

I dig into my pocket tossing the box of cigarettes at him. "Thanks".

"Alright so are we going home yet?" James looked around while holding the cigarette between his lips.

"I mean if you guys are going home, For sure" I hated this part, Where we all leave and I'm stuck at home.

"We could get something to eat, Quite frankly I am starving" Stokeley says rubbing his stomach in a circular motion.

"What you guys want?" James questioned all of us as we were ready to order.

Me Jahseh and Stokeley Shared a table leaving James and Isaiah to a table.

Everybody spoke out what they wanted and I just stayed there silent.

"Riley order something" Jahseh said looking at James and back at me.

"I'm not hungry" Jahseh looked at me weirdly. "Get her the same as me".

"I said I didn't want anything" thankfully it came out politely. "I'm not going to let you starve" he says to me.

The thing was I didn't bring any money on me and I hated being that one person that always had to be covered.

"Jahseh I don't have any money" I whispered closely into his ear. He looked at me before smiling.

"You thought I was going to let you pay? Riley you don't know me do you?" He seemed to chuckle making me tender.

"Eat your eggs" I laugh with Stokeley at Jahseh's silliness.

"So how did all you guys come about?" I began to make conversation.

"Well like I've said before me and Stokeley were planning on robbing and shit I bought a mic" Jahseh spoke out with a mouth full of waffles.

"Well the rapping shit was really my idea, And then we really just formed a group" They sounded as if they didn't know the reality they lived in.

"Dudes I would kill for a life like that" Stokeley began to choke on his food from laughter.

James looking confused looking over at Stokeley, "The more I hear your voice the more you sound like that nigga from good burger".

James laughed agreeing with Stokeley. "Where did you two meet?" Asked Isaiah referring to me and James.

"School" I smiled as James nodded. "She stopped going after a while and if just wasn't the same".

The boys just looked at me, I stared down at my foods trying to avoid being asked.

"So y'all too just recently dropped out?" Jahseh looked at us intrigued.

"Yeah" me and James said in union. "I swore if I stayed in that school any longer I was going to flush myself down the toilet after eating the cafeteria food".

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇. | 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang