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"Your aunt looked pretty upset today" I laugh to myself, When wasn't she?

"Yeah, She's has it rough these couple of days" Looking around looking at the unfamiliar faces around the skating park.

"Do you want to chill here for a while?" I quiz James. He nods his head followed by a random chuckle.

"What?" I wondered what he found humour in. "Oh just those girls again".

Turning my head to where he pointed I nodded my head raising my eyebrows. "Woah".

"Shit they're coming over here" James seemed nervous as ever which made me chuckle.

"Relax James play it cool" I word as if I were in a movie. His hands meet the concrete as he leaned his body back using the support.

It was if the time slowed, Those two girls seem to catch everybody's eyes.

They had beautiful long black hair with harshly any makeup and a beautiful body may I add.

Their high heels clacked against the concrete, They didn't turn their head at anyone.

There was this boy who wore a beanie, He was fucking disgusting.

He was known to be a shitty person, He made his say over to me and James.

"You seen that boy? If I had the time I would've grabbed both their asses" I instantly cringed.

"Dude chill out, You shouldn't talk about woman that way"  The boy rolls his eyes crossing his arms tightly.

"All women are sex symbols if ain't noticed. They're asking to provoke us" His laugh was evil and he was beginning to get irritating.

"I wonder why out of all of the woman that've provoked you why you're still by your lonesome" James chuckles at my comment.

"It's hilarious ain't it?" The boy had a tight grip on James's shirt. "Get the fuck off of him!" I shout trying to get in his way.

James looked stuck and I didn't know what to do, I take my Skateboard and with all the strength I had I hit it against the boy's back.

Yes, It might've been misunderstanding but I wasn't going to let him turn James into his little bitch since I've seen a recurring pattern with all of his friends.

The boy through his self down as he aced in pain, James grabbed his Skateboard as I helped up running off.

I looked back as he was still on the floor.
"That— Was fucking awesome Riley!" James smiles exposing his rosy cheeks.

I felt in-powered by my bad actions, Although James was proud of me.

Looking bad, There were some people surrounding him. I let go of James hand before throwing my Skateboard on the concrete and stepping on.

James followed behind me. "We have to tell X about this" Said a Smiling James.

"No!" I looked at James narrowing my eyebrows shaking my head. "Why not? He'll be impressed".

"James, Jahseh doesn't take things like that well" I stated. James still looked confused.

"What happened last time at his concert?" I say questioning him once more. "Well—".

"He'll do anything to protect his friends, Anything" James cuts me off saying, "At least you did something about it".

I nodded my head, I felt as if I was being a bit too harsh, "I just don't want to affect his music stuff by the shit I do".

James threw my a small smile, He held out his hand as I grabbed it.

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