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↳R i l e y.

Trying to catch up to jahseh's pace, Proceeding to do so but he seemed to be too into the concert, I didn't mind it since he was having fun with Stokeley.

This whole night I've been avoiding eye contact with Harry— Everything seemed so awkward now. I felt bad about lurking around his things the other night which I feared him bringing up knowing I didn't have a proper explanation.

I felt a grip on my arm, A harsh pull afterwards. I came face to face with him.
"About the other day, I'm so sorry" He just laughed shaking his head removing his grip away from my arm.

"What do you know?" He questions me raising an eyebrow to back up his questioning expression.

I took a deep breath in, "I know about the cocaine". I decided to keep it short, And there was no way I was telling him I had Jasmine's contract— That might just cause a un-called for riot.

"You know, I don't mind you knowing but jasmine tells me you and your thief boyfriend are trying to sabotage our business" He stated firmly.

"He's not a thief" I insisted.
He seemed to chuckle a bit, "Listen here Riley— Tell him one more word about anything involving us and you're dead" He snaps leaving me with a wide eye glare.

"And also don't tell Kevin a word— If we see each other in public we'll act like fellow strangers, Do you understand?" He inquires.

"What does Kevin have to do with any of this?" I question crossing my arms tilting my head a bit. "Just do what I say".

"Can you promise me something?" I spoke out, He nodded as he looked around the crowds— I spoke over the loud blasting music. "Please promise me Jahseh won't get hurt, Leave him out of this" I spoke with quite the worry.

He smiled shaking his head, "I'm afraid I can't do so— He's a concern to us".
I frowned rolling my eyes afterwards.

I gave him a glare trying to get away from him as fast as I could. I walked past faces and faces filled with joy.

It was so crowded this time. "Hey!" I heard— James sweatier than ever approaching me. "You look like you've had quite the time" I smiled as he tried catching his breath.

I heard him say something but over the noise I couldn't hear anything. "I'd like you to meet my friends" He nearly shouted with a smile upon his face.

All of a sudden I was face to face with Liam and Carlos. I silently waved.
"Oh, Hey Riley" Carlos said with a bright smile— James looked at me and the two brother as Liam had a very blank expression to him.

"We've met before, Through Harry" Liam said bluntly with a slight smile.
"I swear when I see that dickhead I'm breaking his jaw" James said balling his hand into a fist with a vicious expression upon his face.

My eyes widened taking into consideration that they shouldn't even be here due to the fact that Harry is near the crowds with the rest of his jock looking friends. I knew I had to keep them away from each other.

It wasn't much of a concern to me knowing there was a small chance they would see each other all of a sudden or even bump into each other, But there was still a chance.

I tried looking everywhere trying to lay my eyes upon Harry but there was no sight of him. "What are you doing around Harry anyways" James added.

I just shrug my shoulders still trying to get Harry into my eyesight.

"He's cutthroat for all of this and it's not going to end well for him" I overheard Liam say as they were in their own conversation.

"When did you guys meet?" I question sweetly putting a pause to their conversation. "Around the same time I met X and Ski" James States.

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