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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


I hoped mightily that today would be a memorable day and it was going to be memorable alright.

"See, Riley I would never make you do anything you wouldn't want to do. But I question your loyalty" Jahseh spoke out low toned.

He looked at Stokeley before almost smirking. "If me and stokeley are willing to be loyal to you I think I'd want to see how far you'd go".

I looked at Stokeley shaking his head as I sat there confused, Jahseh laughed making me loose my fear.

"I'm just playing with you. Although I am really wanting to see your loyalty for me— I want to be in your life forever" He got closer to me before taking my hand into his.

I looked his up and down, "Get a tattoo to match with me, Hell I'd even care to be partners in crime. I just want to know how serious you are, I'm tired of being played with" Stokeley looked at him as if he were crazy.

I could agree with him on this one. I took a deep breath before Stokeley said, "Jahseh stop scarring her. A simple tattoo would prove your point".

I looked at Jahseh hoping he would go with that option but he seemed to be stuck by the idea.

Stokeley walked off looking the shops, They claimed they've never been around here before.

Jahseh and I were left alone, "I didn't mean to sound rude and I don't but if I am willing to give my life up for you I need to see how serious you are".

I was beginning to understand, It was almost a sign of loyalty like he mentioned in the beginning.

I hate nothing to loose, "Alright". I never had a friend ever tell me these things or almost give me a ultimatum before.

I hoped I wasn't going to risk my clear canvass for somebody who'd leave and leave me marked.

"You'll do it?" He questioned almost pretending to be surprised surprise but again he didn't know me quite well yet.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" .

I was almost confused, I guess he didn't think I was serious. The muscular built man looked at us three with a smile.

"First time?" He questioned me. I nodded my head as I looked at my self in the black outlines mirror as I turn my body holding back my medium lengthen hair trying to see the back of my neck.

Numb is what it read, I was surprised the tattoo parlour did such a good job as just sketching luckily, It looked exactly like Jahseh's.

I was debating on whether red or black ink but my gut decided for me.

"I'm hoping this well prove to you she's serious Jahseh" I overhear Stokeley share with Jahseh.

My plams were sweaty, The pain was worse than expected and i wanted to be done with this endless needle which poked into my flesh every millisecond.

"I know, now" My lips formed a smile and somehow managed.

"Can I just say I love your guys face tattoos, They look crazy unique and somehow y'all can pull it off" The man's breath hit the back of my scalp.

I hear Stokeley chuckle loudly while Jahseh thanked the man.

They began to make small talk and that's when Jahseh and Stokeley began to tell the man about what their life contained of.

I looked at Jahseh through the small mirror, He wore his thinking face.

"You work here all by yourself?" Jahseh questions the man. "It's funny you three decided to come today. The shop closes in a couple of days" Jahseh and Stokeley looked at each other with a smirk.

"Do you have any experience being a bodyguard?" The man's eyes shot right to Jahseh.

"No" The man stared in a questioning tone.
"Well what do you plan on doing after the shop closes down?" Stokeley began taking things slow.

"Well I have two daughters and a stay at home wife, I'm open for anything".

"Me and Jahseh are artist and we do shows here and there and we are really in need of a bodyguard" Jahseh empathized the really.

The man stopped before he looked back at the two, I needed a small break.

"Yeah for sure I'm down" Jahseh and Stokeley nodded with smiles almost ear to ear.

"I have a lot of questions but let me finish off with the artist?" He looked down at meaning me laugh quietly.

"I'm not an artist I'm just—" The man stopped before smiling saying "The girlfriend?".

My checks deepened into a dark shade of pink. Jahseh smiles crossing his arms.

"Soon to be" Jahseh spoke which made the man nod and pay attention to the work he was putting into.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇. | 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang