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"I've been having suicidal dreams of dying with you lately" I heard Jahseh whisper putting a hand on my bare knee.

He's so weird; "At least we're dying together" I said with a smile trying to hide my uncomfortableness.

"I'm gonna go change real quick, It's too hot for this fucking shit" he protested before walking out the room.

I sat there in silence hearing him looking through boxes, his motivation was off when it came to decorating this room.

"Do you think it might be a sign?" I question while gripping the sleeves to my maroon coloured sweater.

"The dream? I don't think so" I shrugged it off but I knew deep down that there has to be a reason why death always seems to cloud him.

He stopped at the door frame, the orange shirt he wore stood out to me.

"Did you enjoy the songs?" I nodded my head with a smile, his chokers distract me giving me vivid memories from seventh grade.

"Do you have a favourite?" He sat next to me pulling his computer on his lap. I though hard, "I can't really decide but Teeth, I smelled toxic to you?".

"You were just dead, laying there although all your deaths have been something related to something I've wrote in my lyrics before" my hands sweaty and I was invested in these dreams of his.

"I hope you don't have a death wish on me" I joked putting a strain of hair behind my ear.

He shook his head squinting his eyes looking over at nothing; "Remember when I said you were becoming the meaning behind all my un-explained meanings".

I pause feeling my chest come heavy hiding my fear with a smile "Sounds crazy".

"No ones home right now so let me get to it, let's do a blood bond" he stand in front of me with wide eyes.

"I know it seems crazy but I'm really willing to do it" He slightly smiled looking down at my lips before giving me a deep passionate kiss.

His adrenaline was off the wall, "Are you alright?" I grip onto his shirt tightly before he pulled away.

"Yes. I am completely here right now" I was lost for words only leaving my with a consenting nod.

I got up from his bed just looking at him pace around

He smiled at me and pecked my lips gently, "Trust me". He told me to stay put as he gathered the materials.

I wasn't sure if it would work but he just seemed to sure about it.

Jahseh kneeled himself down laying the materials in front of him leading me to follow kneeling in front of him.

Jahseh set his computer to the side while playing music, "Wing ridden angel" he whispered.

Two cups laid in front of us followed by two blades Jahseh was trying to sharpen.

"Cut me and I'll cut you" He said making me nod slightly when taking his left hand into my lap.

Pulling up both sleeves I placed the blade against his wrist which looked like it had already been cut.

He counted down calm and collected, "At the count of three" He stated.

The blades fall to the ground once we both pulled away with hisses.

We looked in each other's eyes as we placed the plastic cup right under our cuts trying to get as much blood as possible.

My eyes become runny with the acing pain from my cut, Jahseh's cut leaked
My blood leaks down my to my fingerprints leaking into my palms designs.

I cleared my throat, "Shall we" I said switching our cups which seemed to catch his attention.

We look down at each other's cups knowing there was no turning back.

"We shall" Jahseh joked taking the cup into his hand as I followed.

We drank each other's blood.

The taste of his blood wasn't very pleasing, It tasted irony, I bet mine wasn't very satisfying either.

Minutes later everything was cleaned we managed to make it seem like nothing happened, This bond would only be between us and no one else would be able to break it no matter what.

"They say with a blood bond or Blood oath you can tell what the other person is feeling" Jahseh said looking at me.

"That's cool" I said as I watched him become unsatisfied with my choice of words.

"I want an answer to what I'm looking for and I hope it's you" I heard him mumble under his breath.

He looked up at me with a face.
"Yo!" I heard as Stokeley bursted threw the door.

I stood next to Jahseh as Jahseh brought in a camera around his neck.

"Ski What the fuck are you doing?" Jahseh asked him tilting his head.

"I'm a photographer, Get off my dick" Stokeley replied with a chuckle.


Riley put her hand and face on my shoulder as my eyes focused on The camera ski had clearly stolen.

The camera brought out a small picture which ski began to blow and shake aggressively.

"Where'd you steal that from?" I questioned Stokeley who rolled his eyes.

"This old European lady at the mall!" I heard Isaiah yell from the kitchen.

Stokeley smacked his lips in defence which caused Riley to let out a small laugh.

"She's Italian or some shit but she said give it a try so I did and I tried it all the way here".

"Here" Ski tossed me the little picture then walks out my room talking to Isaiah debating on which the old lady was Italian or European, It clearly didn't matter since they basically ran off with it.

I turned the picture around seeing Riley, They way she looked up at me and the way I looked at the camera.

Looking at the picture knowing
Our blood bond is in tact gave the picture a whole other meaning.

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