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"I hope you apologized to the neighbour" I felt as if he was the only opinion that mattered in this house and I didn't know why.

He was drunk this time, I was glad I took advantage of his soberness.

Doing him the favour of slipping off his dress shoes as he kicked his feet onto the couch.

"Your not going to eat anything?" He chuckled at my worried face expression.

"Since when does somebody care about my health?" Hating how he acted I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"There's mail from your school" Standing over him watching as he comforted himself.

"Guess you're loosing yourself for a boy, Following the woman legacy in your family" I didn't know how to feel.

"So are you I'm guessing, Alcoholic lowlife" His eyes shot at me before anger strikes him.

There was nothing to say and I hated that we couldn't keep a stable relationship; I thought last night was progress.

"I was worried about you, How have you been?" James questions me before squeezing me tightly.

"I've been alright. I thought I'd stop by" There was a genuine smile on his face.

We began to discuss how much fun the boys would he having as of now, "I'm more exited for when they come back," James aggressively stocked the shelves.

"Jahseh's going to let me record his fight" He bit down on his lip excitedly.

"Are we talking about the same guy?" James referred to him as The buff guy.

"You've been in the public eye lately" My eyes shot at my feet feeling nervous.

"Yeah. I don't enjoy it" He shook his head in disagreement "Let me take your spot".

"Would you care for a pet snake?" He questioned before giving a polite smile.

"Sure, As long as it's not going to size me up every night before it eats me alive" He chuckled at my comment.

"You'll be fine. Lucky for you it's pretty small; My shift should be over in a bit if you're willing to come along".

I stared at the albino snake with piercing red eyes truly scared of the outcome.

James said it was fine; remembering Jame's exact words before picking up the creature with my bare palm.

Slightly squirming at it's feel as it wrapped it's self around my wrist with it's head slowly facing me.

Bringing my hand closer to my face giving the creature a small smile. Suddenly it's slithery tongue was felt onto my bottom lip.

I thought of it as a small kiss, I truly hoped I wouldn't get in trouble for finally investing into a pet.

I watched as it got back into his tank where he hid his body behind it's habitat, "See that wasn't so bad James sit sitting next to me on my bed".

"What are you naming it?" James questioned me before tapping it's tank. Thinking to myself before recalling my favourite childhood movie, "Stitch".

A laugh escaped James mouth with causes a small smile to appear on my face. "How did you do it? Manage at love".

This reminded me of when I came to Kevin. "I didn't know what it felt like but, I feels like a part of you is gone when they're not there".

Sighing before smiling laying my head on Jame's shoulder. "It sucks when the person doesn't feel the same way".

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇. | 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora