Image 115: Lea's Crystal Bracelet & Charms

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Hello, my fellow art fans! Today, I have more than just a drawing inspired from my last RotG chapter

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Hello, my fellow art fans! Today, I have more than just a drawing inspired from my last RotG chapter. Lea receives a special gift from North that gives her the power to bring her Childhood Companion, Nightlight, to life. There's also magic crystal inside Nightlight that connects with the crystal bracelet. As long as Lea still believes in the Guardians, Nightlight will be alive. For flare, Lea added her own charms to remember the friends she made. Each of those symbols represents the Guardians that Lea created. Red square with a present is Wonder, green upside down triangle with blue decorated Easter eg is hope, purple diamond with a white tooth is Memories, yellow circle with golden colored sand is Dreams, and blue hexagon with a white snowflake is fun. There's another symbol jewel but that doesn't come out until later. Years ago, I made these charms in honor of my favorite Guardians. I did four sets using a 3-D printer I had access to and some paint. I'm glad that I get to show this. Hope everyone likes it.

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