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Ikaruga still walk around the forest. She still waiting her opponent. When the middle of the way she sees a man who running. Ikaruga slinks and sees the man figure clearly who known by her.

Ikaruga: "That's him.....Yoshimitsu"

Yoshimitsu runaway from Bryan, suddenly he feel another person who attack him and quickly take out his blade to ward the attack. He sees a woman figure who attack him and start to talk to him.

Ikaruga: "You! I finally found you!"

Yoshimitsu: "Who are you?"

Ikaruga: "Don't you remember? I'm the one who attacked by you with Yuyaki when I'm doing rescue at Mishima Zaibatsu! Do you remember it!"

Yoshimitsu: "Yuyaki? Mishima Zaibatsu? Ah...I remember it! You with your friend fought against me when the another girl come to save you"

Ikaruga: "Glad you still remember it. Now it's time to pay back!"

Yoshimitsu: "No! Wait! I'm not with Zaibatsu anymore! Now I have to do my other business!"

But Ikaruga didn't hear him and immediately swing her sword to him. Yoshimitsu duck it and doing Quick Slash to her. Her clothes rip off a bit but she don't care and try to slash him with several slashes. Yoshimitsu avoid it and doing Nade Kujaku and hit Ikaruga's rib until she is kneeling.

Ikaruga: "I'll never give up! I'm shinobi! Hien Hosen: Ichi-Shiki!"

She slashes rapidly to him and moving so quickly and proceeds to sheath her sword until Yoshimitsu hitted in his body. When Yoshimitsu still kneeling while hold the pain, Ikaruga leap towards him and lift her sword to swing.

Ikaruga: "It's over!"

Yoshimitsu quickly doing Indian Stance Healing and then spinning him self and suddenly disappear when Ikaruga launch her sword. Ikaruga's eyes are widen when see it. Suddenly, Yoshimitsu appear behind her.

Yoshimitsu: "Manji-ryu: Yomi Kakenuke!"

Yoshimitsu run and swing his sword and with the flash he slash her until Ikaruga didn't see he doing it. Ikaruga shocked and the bloody spread from her rib and her mouths cough a blood.

Yoshimitsu: "Give up!"

Ikaruga: "Never! Until I can surpass her!"

Yoshimitsu: "Her?"

Ikaruga: "If I can...surpass her...then I a...great swordwoman!"

Ikaruga lift her sword. From the sky, a phoenix of blue fire flies up and absorbed into her sword until immersed in a blue aura until the length of sword so long. She prepare the stance and finally doing her final attack.

Ikaruga: "Zekka Hoosen Yomishiki!"

Ikaruga swing the sword into the him . Yoshimitsu just stare and then hit him until make a thick fog. After doing it, Ikaruga kneeling and panting heavily. When the fog start disappear, she surprised that he is gone. She quickly rise up and Yoshimitsu appears behind him.

Yoshimitsu: "Manji-ryu: Thunder Blade!"

And then with one slash, Ikaruga collapsed infront of Yoshimitsu. Ikaruga surrender and let him to kill her.

(A/N: Stop the music)

Ikaruga: *pant *pant* "I lose......Do what you want....Kill me"

Yoshimitsu: "I can't kill you"

Ikaruga: "But....this is the shinobi path"

Yoshimitsu: "I know it...But I see your determination to defeat me. You never give up. Your way still long. You still need more practice and practice"

Ikaruga: " nice to me, but why you work for Mishima Zaibatsu?"

Yoshimitsu: "Because my clan didn't have fund to help the poor and innocent people around the world"

Ikaruga: "What do you mean?"

Then Yoshimitsu explain about his purpose. He also talk about Manji Clan that is a part of ninja clan. The purpose of clan is to steals from rich people who arrogant and gives to the poor people. When they lack of fund, he decided to work with Mishima Zaibatsu, but when he know the evil plan from Heihachi, he refuses. And now, our member clan was attacked by the human cyborg Bryan. The ironically, Yoshimitsu has saved him when the accident happen in first tournament. And now he decided to paid back. Ikaruga feel sorry when hear his story.

Ikaruga: "I-I'm sorry to attack you. I don't know if you have many problem with him"

Yoshimitsu: "Don't worry about it"

Suddenly they feels the appearances. Yoshimitsu ask Ikaruga to hide. They sees Bryan is walking with a gatling gun in his hand.

Yoshimitsu: "Stay here!"

Yoshimitsu slinks and use the invisible stance. Bryan feel Yoshimitsu's appearances. He uses his cyborg eyes to find him. When he spots him, he smirks and fires him but Yoshimitsu disappears again. Suddenly, Yoshimitsu reappears behind Bryan but Bryan shoots him repeatedly over his right shoulder with a pistol in his left hand. Yoshimitsu hitted and fall down.

Bryan: "Found you"

Bryan walks to his fallen opponent and he aims his pistol with a final smirk.

Bryan: "Any last word?"

Yoshimitsu: ..........

Bryan: "I guess nothing"

When Bryan pull the trigger, Ikaruga quickly cut the pistol and stab Bryan's chest until he surprised. Ikaruga sees there's no blood that obtained from the body. What Yoshimitsu said is true. Bryan sees Ikaruga and smirks. Ikaruga quickly yank out and step backward. Ikaruga thinks that he will attack her but suddenly, he gives the scroll to Ikaruga. Bryan step backward and now he is on edge of the cliff.

Bryan: "We will see again, ninja! HAHAHAHA!!"

With evil laughs he plunge from the cliff, Yoshimitsu quickly rise up and try to catch him but Bryan has fallen and disappear forever. Ikaruga helps Yoshimitsu to stand up and give the scroll to him but he refuses it.

Ikaruga: "Why you refuse?"

Yoshimitsu: "I have no intention to continuing the tournament"

Ikaruga: "So was I"

Ikaruga throws the scroll away. Yoshimitsu surprised and confused why she did that.

Ikaruga: "I have fought the great shinobi already. And I have the learned of this. Anyway, you remind me to my friend. She is a renegade shinobi, she hate the rich and wealthy people and always help the poor people. But she feels a though her comrades are family and shares a deep connection with all of them"

Yoshimitsu: "I see"

Ikaruga: "Once again, thank you for the best fight. I have the best experience of this tournament"

Yoshimitsu: "You're welcome"

They bow each other and split up. They have done of their goal in this tournament.


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