The two of them reminded me much of Travis and Connor back in our camp days. They were both similar in age and ready to cause trouble, just like I could tell these two girls were.

"Percy, I haven't seen you since your wedding. What are these guys's names again?" Katie asked. "Luke Charles," I said, giving her middle names because she knew the people I named them for.

"Ariana Silena, Bianca Zoë, and Ethan Iapetus."

"Well they're adorable. It was good seeing you Percy. And I'm really sorry about Annabeth," Katie kissed me on the cheek and led her daughters to where Connor and Travis were talking to someone else.

Someone hit me from behind and I jumped. "Ha!" Leo yelled, pumping his fist, "got you!"

Calypso came up behind him and shook her head. She set Rosalie down, who sneezed and lit herself on fire.

Calypso shook her finger in Rosalie's face. "If you'd done that one second earlier..."

"Hey guys!" Piper said, coming to meet us with Malia in her arms. Jason came up behind her holding Riley's hand.

"Hey, where—" Piper was interrupted by a "Stop it!" And then a shriek. "Ah, there they are," she said upon seeing Milo and Sammy run up, still bickering and pushing each other around(mainly Milo being a jerk because he was bigger than Sammy).

I was about to say something else when I saw Grover approaching. I hoisted the twins up farther in my hips and walked to meet him. He was holding a bundle in his arms, another baby in a carrier in his back.

"Hi, Percy," Juniper smiled, carrying the third baby in her arms. "Hey," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek seeing as we both had too many babies to carry to hug.

"I'm not kissing you, man," Grover joked. "How old are they now?" I asked. "Six months," Grover said, tickling Nathan's belly. He kicked his little satyr legs in his sleep. I knew it was Nathan only because each one wore an outfit that had their names stitched into the fabric.

Back at the pavilion, Chiron stomped his hoof into the cement and motioned for us to gather around. "Lets head over there," I said, jerking my head. Ari and Luke caught up and we headed over.

When we got there, Will and Maria were playing a game of tag around one of the tables, the latter giggling profusely, while Nico looked on in love and amusement.

I spotted many faces I hadn't seen in years. Valentina Diaz stood chatting with Damien White. Lou Ellen, Sherman Yang, and Cecil Markowitz we're laughing at something Malcolm Pace said.

I caught sight of Gleeson and Mellie Hedge. My lip trembled. I hadn't seen Coach since my wedding. Mellie was reprimanding her twelve year old son into combing his curls. "But Ma, my horns!" He replied, annoyed. "Chuck, c'mon, listen to your mother," Hedge put in.

I was thrust out of my trance by a booming voice. "Percy!" I turned in time to see Tyson, his face split in a grin, barreling toward me. In the split second I had to prepare, I quickly sat the twins down on a table and braced myself for impact.

I somehow forgot the sensation of getting hit with a hug by a cyclops. The breath was knocked out of me as Tyson wrapped his big strong arms around me. He was a grown cyclops now, no longer a child.

It took me a second to get my bearings before I hugged him back fiercely. My eyes started to water as a lump formed in my throat. Seeing all these reminded me of all I'd been through to get to where I was. It reminded me of the sacrifices we'd made, and the people we'd lost.

Tyson finally let me go and I wiped at my eyes. "Brother, I haven't seen you in so long!" I managed a smile. "Yeah. How's Ella."

"Ella is good. Ella is here. Ella!" In my peripheral vision I saw Bianca giggle and teeter, about to fall off the table I set her on. I sprang forward and caught her. She squealed and I decided I better grab Ethan too before he tumbled.

I turned back to Tyson and his eye was the size of a softball. "They're so little!" He exclaimed, gently reaching out the tickle under Ethan's chin. Ethan just stared in awe, his sparkling grey eyes wide.

"All these people," I said, looking around, "I haven't seen in ages." Tyson nodded, looking around as well. Just then, Ella came fluttering over to land on Tyson's shoulder.

"Hi Ella," I smiled at her. "Percy is here. Hello Percy," she answered, still preening her feathers. "How's everything..."

Someone shoved me from behind and I made sure I had a good grip on the babies so they wouldn't go flying. I whipped around and saw the one and only Clarisse La Rue standing there with a grin on her face.

"Clarisse!" This time I set the babies down on the floor where I knew they couldn't fall and gave Clarisse a hug. "Hey Prissy," she muttered. Pulling away, I noticed Chris Rodriguez and gave him a hug too. A little girl, maybe eight, stuck her head out from behind Chris's legs.

I stared at Clarisse and Chris in disbelief. Clarisse only smiled. "This is Willow, our daughter."

I got down on my knees. "Hi Willow, it's nice to meet you." Though she seemed pretty shy(it sure surprised me that Clarisse's daughter would be shy) she had a firm handshake for an eight year old.

After saying goodbye to them, I saw Rachel Elizabeth Dare waving me over. I just then realized that, though I had the twins with me, I had no idea where the other two were. I craned my neck to look around, and to my relief, they were playing with the other kids in the Volleyball court. They weren't playing Volleyball, just playing with the sand(though Milo thought it a good idea to chuck the ball at unsuspecting two year olds).

I made my way over to Rachel and we hugged and caught up on life. Suddenly, she blinked rapidly and took a stumbling step back. "What is it?" I asked. "I—it's nothing. I just had a vision. Really it's nothing."

I frowned. "Your the Oracle. Of course it's not nothing." She mirrored my frown. "I just saw a lot of fire. It's probably nothing to worry about." I didn't believe her, but I didn't press.

A little bit later, I ran into Hazel Frank and Emily. They had been talking to Gwen and Dakota. I pointed the way to Nico and Will and they were off again.

Chiron had set up a little presentation of memories and such and I continued to search the crowd for familiar faces. I saw Jake Mason, a Hephaestus camper, with his arm around a woman I didn't recognize.

Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, and Will were talking and Reyna and Thalia were arm wrestling(for some reason, I don't know).

I saw Butch Walker and Miranda Gardiner, Drew Tanaka, Lacy, and Mitchell. They were laughing about something.

Ellis Wakefield was chatting with the Victor sistors, Holly and Laurel. Michael Kahale, Nyssa Barrera, and Paolo were talking quietly.

The presentation shifted to honoring the dead of both wars. Names and pictures flashed on the screen.

Bianca di Angelo

Zoë Nightshade

Lee Fletcher


Charles Beckendorf

Michael Yew

Silena Beauregard

Ethan Nakamura

Luke Castellan

Phoebe, Naomi, and Celyn(all Hunters)

Kinzie(an Amazon)


Most of the deaths I was really sad about still. When I say most I mean 99%. Octavian is the 1% if anyone was wondering.

After the whole ordeal(we were there all day) everyone was tired. So we headed home. It felt good to be able to see all those people from so long ago. But being surrounded by all those people just reminded me of who I missed the most. I couldn't get to sleep that night.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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