"Is my little buddy sleep?" I ask him.

"Yes, finally." He says tiredly.

I smile.

"I know you know, you're over here for more than just helping me with Jacob." He says.

"I am?" I ask cluelessly, sitting up.

Grant nods his head.

"Why am I over here?"

"Let's start with the fact I owe you a big apology." He says lowly.

I know where he's going with this.

"Don't start." I tell him exasperated.

"No, you need to hear this. You don't know how sorry I am that Samantha put you through all of that." Grant says sincerely.

"Grant I appreciate it, but it's not your fault." I say. I really wish he would stop blaming himself.

"You think you would of had these horrible experiences if we didn't date?" He asks, trying to prove his point.

I think about my answer carefully. "No I wouldn't have, but you're worth it."

"Thanks, but that doesn't make me feel better." He says. Ever heard of sugarcoating Grant?

"Then what will?" I ask him. I just want this viscous cycle of blame to end.

"I don't know...you?" Grant says quietly.

"What?" I ask, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"I want us to get back together."

"Me too." I breathe out. Actually, that's all I've wanted since we broke up.

"Then we're back together." He says simply.

I smile widely, grateful GOD answered my prayer.

"I couldn't be happier." I say, and a yawn escapes my mouth.

Grant pulls a blanket from behind the couch, and throws it over me. "We can talk more in the morning, I refuse to talk to you when you're tired."

"Why?" I ask, knowing the answer. I'm not the easiest person to talk to when I'm on the verge of sleep. You usually will end up repeating yourself about 40 times.

Grant doesn't say anything and walks into the kitchen.

I close my eyes and smile. 'You were right GOD this day did get more amazing!'


I just escaped the darkness, but something is still chasing me. It's getting closer and closer. Oh no it has me! It's trying to pull me back into the darkness! "JESUS!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

My eyes snap open, and I realize I had yet another nightmare. They're really starting to get on my nerves. Funny thing is, JESUS always delivers me at the end.

"Are you ok?" A voice asks me, and I quickly realize it belongs to Grant.

"Yes." I say trying to calm myself down.

"So why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"Bad dream." I say, hoping he doesn't ask for details.

He nods his head, and continues to watch tv.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask him. It had to be late.

"It's only twelve am." I guess it wasn't as late as I thought.

"Oh." I say, trying to divert my eyes from the show on the tv. I just caught a glimpse of people in the dark, and it reminded me of my dream.

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