Brian comes down the stairs. I notice he has way to much gel in his hair, he looks like he belongs in the movie Grease.

He saunters over to Lauren, and puts his arm around her. "Hey Baby, what took you so long?" He says in his 'manly' voice.

I bite my lip, to keep myself from laughing. Seriously, I'm drawing blood.

Lauren blushes a deep shade of red, and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Sorry poo bear, but I had to go on a nature walk with the girls."

I almost gag in my mouth, poo bear?

Brian grins. "No problem, I've made us some lunch."

Lauren squeals in excitement. "I love a man who can cook!"

"Well why don't you take your pretty little self to the kitchen, and see just how well this man does his job."

Yet again I hold back my laughter.

Lauren skips to the kitchen, leaving her scent swirling in the air.

"Are you guys dating?" I ask Brian.

He rolls his eyes. "No, we're just pretending." He says sarcastically.

"Well how was I suppose to know, you didn't even tell me." I say, hurt leaking into my voice. Brian and I have a very open relationship, I thought I would have known about him and Lauren.

"I'm sorry sis, it's just you have a lot going on, and this didn't seem like it would be important." He says ashamed.

I smile. "What's going on in your life will always be important to me, so you better not keep anything big like this from me again."

He laughs. "Agreed."

"Now let me get some of that gel out." I tell him, as I try to wipe it out with my hands.

"Hey! Quit it!" He says trying to shoo me away.

"Only if you promise not to leave the house like that."

"I'm not. Lauren and I are staying here to watch the animal planet, and correlate animal and human behaviors."

I stare at Brian wide eyed. "She really is 'down to earth'." I say using his previous choice of words for Lauren.

"I know right! She's just so different. We have a lot of fun together, I barely even notice her odor." Brian says, making sure to whisper the last part.

I nod my head, wondering how in the world he couldn't notice it.

"I never pictured myself falling for a girl like her, but I'm glad I did." He says happily.

I smile at him. I am really happy for my brother. Even though she's a little unusual, Lauren seems really nice. I'm excited to get to know her. I try not to get emotional over the fact, my little brother has his first serious girlfriend.

"Are you about to cry?" Brian asks in disbelief.

"No!" I say defensively. "I just have something in my eye."

"Yeah, that's original." He says laughing.

I roll my eyes. "Lauren's waiting for you, you dork. I'll, see you later."

Brian says bye, and goes into the kitchen.

I stand on the porch and wait for Grant to come. It's definitely been over 10 minutes since he texted me, I wonder what's keeping him.

A few minutes later. I spot a familiar black BMW come around the corner. 'Please let this go well ABBA.'

I approach the vehicle excitedly, and get in.

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