Nothing Too Terribly Exciting

Start from the beginning

"Ma'am, he's not worth your time. Besides think of the baby", I felt my eye twitch. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. Thomas was right, at five and a half months pregnant I did not need to be trying to throw fist. I would to do the next best thing, and block him in until I was good and ready to go.

"Your right. Park the car, please?" I turned and walked back to the SUV and slid inside.

"Rough flight?" Adam asked.

"Pregnancy hormones".

He nodded with his all-knowing eyes," I'll keep that in mind, love".

"How was dinner?"

"Good, nothing too terribly exciting", he said throwing my words back at me. Thomas slid into the driver's seat placing the car in park. Adam not breaking his gaze on me spoke to Thomas," Thomas, I believe Mrs. Caffery left a bag behind. Will you go get it?"

"Yes, sir", Thomas said jumping back out of the car and headed into the airport baggage claim area.

"What did you do in London?" Adam asked abruptly.

"I went to Henry-Faust. What do you think I was doing?"

"Nothing at Henry-Faust we both know that", He looked down to the lily in my hand,"Where did you really get that?"

Believe me, I would like to know too.

"What are you trying to say? Use your words Adam", I said crossing my arms.

"Did you go to meet someone?"

"Yes, Nate", I knew in my heart Nate would cover my lying ass. We were still ride or die even after all these years.

"You know what I mean", he said in a soft voice.

"Yes, because being pregnant with our child has suddenly unleashed the adulterer in me. You got me, Adam", I said harshly with a golf clap.

"Don't play, Jennifer. I mean it. Why did you really go to London?"

"Why is your first thought cheater?"

"Because you haven't told me anything", he shouted.

"I've told you, you just refuse to listen".

"Who is he?" Adam demanded only making me want to roll my eyes.

"Listen to me. Listen to me very, very carefully I. Am. Not. Cheating on you!"

We could keep going back and forth all night long. Or I could just tell him the truth. There's nothing he could do to stop what was about to happen. I already made contact with the Renegades," I told you to go if you wanted to. You told me---"

"O my God! Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! You want to know I went to London? I went to find someone who has the balls to carry out a terrorist attack. This flower..." I said waving it in the air wildly," Is their calling card, or a promise for something important! I don't know what it is! I don't know who gave it to me it just showed up in my car! Everyday we lose more money, more power, allies and respect. Do you honestly think cutting off a shipping yard is going to stop anyone? There are other ways to smuggle drugs in? People can be bought off and killed. We don't have time to play a slow waiting game. We need to act and we need to act now!"

Now it was his turn to take deep breaths to calm down, I continued," Adam you know I would do anything for you even if it meant going up against hell itself. I trust your judgement, but not this time. You're wrong, and that doesn't just affect us it affects the kids. Our unborn child, I won't even try to imagine what you're going there. Because I can't but please please can't you see a change in yourself? You're not... You. The man I fell in love with would have never let an enemy scare him into a defensive position. I know you're her, and you want to play Things safely but we don't have that luxury. We are literally backed into a corner facing down a threat that would not only kill us but our entire families. Now, isn't the time for long waiting games. And if you won't do it I will. I will go down swinging before I go out like a bitch. I don't feel safe Adam letting this hang over us. Until this is taken care of there is no normal day. I can't live in fear of sending Alma or Lara to school knowing that they could be kidnapped, killed or worse. I don't want our front yard to look like a battle post", I said feeling the pain in my back swell. I laid my head back and focused on my breathing running my fingers over my stomach.

We sat in silence for a long while. The car filled with the soft music of the radio.

Before Adam finally said something,"Be patient with me love. This will work I have more play than just a shipyard. Whatever you've done, whenever you have planned call it off. Trust me---"

My head was pounding and pain. My back felt like it had a hot poker burning into my skin with pain,"Something's  wrong", I opened my eyes as I fell something wet run down my leg. "O my God, I said shaking desperately holding on to my stomach. I was bleeding.

No, I'm having a miscarriage. I worked myself up so much that I was going to lose my baby. Before I could even say, call 911 Adam was calling in. The closest hospital was was almost 25 minutes away. The baby would be dead after. There was nothing I could do, once a miscarriage starts there is nothing I can do. 

I started to cup my my vagina hoping the pressure would stop the bleeding when I knew it wouldn't. No matter how much pressure I applied the blood still gushed between my fingers and oozed under my hands. Time itself had become irrelevant; the seconds could have been hours, or hours mere seconds. In that suspended moment I was the eye of my own storm.

I was in shock.

I turned to face Adam and my whole world seem to slow down. I saw and I'm on the phone, but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Thomas running back to the car.

It's to late...

Dead or alive this baby is coming- three and a half months too early. I wanted to throw up as I felt hot tears run down my cheeks,"Its to early", I said more to myself as Thomas start to peel ass out of the pickup zone. I stared at Adam,"It's to early", I kept repeating.

"I know just laid down and try to stay calm", Adam said repeating what the dispatcher was telling him.

My whole body felt like it was shutting down. My heart broke at the situation and before I could repeat my three word sentence I was passing out.

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