Chapter 8: Possibility

Start from the beginning

“Carie?” I looked up as I heard Tyler’s voice pulling me out of my daydreaming, and smiled at his newfound nickname for me. He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist and placed his chin on my neck, as I reached for a handful of popcorn. 

“Yes, Tywi?” He chuckled at the nickname I found for him as soon as he found “Carie” 

“Would you ever have dated me?” I nearly spat out all of the popcorn, choking on the small kernels that refused to slid down my throat properly. 

“Whoa! I’m sorry if my question caught you off guard! I didn’t mean for that to happen!” 

“No, no it’s fine. I just thought we were friends?”

“Well, yeah, but I didn’t excuse the fact that I really like you.”

“You like me?” Wow, I never expected that. I had the urge to go all fan-girl and scream into a pillow, but he was sitting right next me, so I remained calm. 

“Yeah, of course. Why would you think I didn’t?”

“Well, you kissed me and then you didn’t call back. Then you acted really rude to me for 3 weeks straight, and then we’re like buddy buddy and you’re telling me you like me?!” I tried not to raise me voice, but I couldn’t help and be irritated by his sudden changes in emotions and feelings whenever I was around. Seriously? Make up your mind dude!

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you why I was mean. I just---I---it’s a secret okay? Don’t ask to much of me. But you need to know that I like you. A lot.” I could see him start to blush, as I pushed for the answers. I didn’t want to pressure him to tell me his secret, but I couldn’t help but tease him a little longer about his sudden crush. 

“Really? You like me? A lot?”

“Well, yeah. Look do you like me or not?”

I was thrown off by his sudden question. I mean, yeah, I liked him, but did I want to tell him? If I didn’t I would always wonder what happened if I did, but if I did we might start dating and what if he breaks my heart again? I couldn’t stand another heartbreak like that one. It was too painful. 


You know what, I’m tired of running scared.

“I like you a lot Tyler. I did since that damn night in the club.” He breathed probably the biggest sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms even tighter and pulled me right against his chest. 

“So---Tyler, what are we now?”

“Well, I would say we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, but this isn’t the right time, not at your house with a possibility of your parents walking in on us as I proclaim my love. So-- right now, we’re just dating.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at his cheesiness.

“Proclaim your love?” I started giggling as I imagined Tyler one knee on the ground, holding a red rose, belting Romeo and Juliet. Before I knew it I was laughing my ass off. I was clutching my stomach from exploding, I felt my face turning red with lack of oxygen, and I sounded like a hyena on steroids. I could feel Tyler’s chuckles rumble through and I couldn’t help but stop and listen to his laughter. It was like something made from the Gods, a perfection that no one could surpass. 

“Why’d you stop laughing?”

“Oh, I ran out of oxygen?” I tried to make it sound more definite but it turned as a question.

“Well, how about this for running out oxygen?” Before I could ask what he meant his lips descended onto mine and met in a blissful kiss. 

I felt like I was flying. His lips were rough, but soft all at the same time. His lips moved against mine, his tongue pressing for entrance. I kept my lips closed just to tease him, I could hear him faintly growl against my lips and I couldn’t help but laugh. He took the opportunity to inch his tongue in my mouth and suddenly I couldn’t stop moaning. It was like bliss but way better. I pulled away so I could breath before I officially turned blue. 

“Wow.” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. 

“Yeah, wow.”

I snuggled closer into Tyler’s warmth and turned back to the movie. 

“Hey Tyler?” 


“Am I your girlfriend yet?”

“Soon, I promise I want to make the moment memorable.” 

I felt safe with Tyler and I felt complete. This was something that I haven’t felt in awhile, and I liked it. I felt Tyler bury his face deep in my hair, inhaling the scent and murmuring sweet comments in my ear. I felt cared for and for the first time. Loved. 

For the moment I could care less if there was a black SUV hunting for me. Tyler helped me forget the fact that there could someone possibly out there to kill me. Tyler helped me forget about the sadness that I felt and helped me, become me. 

Only just for the moment though. 


Another upload! I’m so glad you guys are all loving the stories! I super happy that I’m both of the rankings now:) Guys I’d totally appreciate some more comments and votes:) I would love to be back at the #2 - #4 ranking again:) That would mean a lot to me! 

So how are you liking the story? Sorry for the longer paragraphs I wanted to set a tone/mood for her character now. 

It’s a little longer, not as long, but I’ll try to make the next few a little bit longer:) 

Twitter the tweet bird:) 


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