Book II-Chapter 10, The Making of Creation Song, Challenges-Prince's POV

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Making of Creation Song-Challenges,

Prince's POV

Prince woke up from habit. He was tired. The last two nights had been brutal with no real rest. He also knew that it would get worse before it got better because of the nature of his focus right now. The work with the Angels would be both extremely beautiful and extremely challenging. The outcome, however, would be worth it, he believed, because of the nature of the Praise it would provide to the Creator. Working in the language of the Angels was truly demanding.. although he did not understand the language itself, his unique relationship with the Universe allowed him to understand what was being praised. Sometimes the Supreme Majesty and Sovereignty of the Creator Himself was the subject. Other times it was the beauty of the Universe and all its different worlds that were created with a thought from the divine mind of the Creator. He had also been aware of the Angels praising the Creator for their own creation with their highly individualized functions and appearances. Prince could only imagine how many subjects of Praise there might be. He only knew that when listening to them sing in their own tongue, his mind expanded somehow to be able to understand the focus of their praise. Sometimes afterwards he was unable to sleep for days. He would need to consider this when scheduling rehearsals with them. The additional overload above the normal messaging from the Universe when he was writing could really make things difficult. In the past he would not have cared. He would have taken it all on without any consideration of the additional demands for the sake of his art and simply because he could. Bella being in his life was changing that. He could not risk what it might do to their relationship by him forging ahead without any consideration to what it did to him and therefore what he, with his side effect reactions might do to her.

He got up showered and dressed and putting on a robe went into the kitchen. He smelled coffee and knew that Amiir had already been up. There was a note on the sideboard saying he was in early meetings with two of his charges this morning and would see him at Worship. Prince poured himself a cup of coffee and went back into his room made his bed and dressed. With a thought he was on Bella's porch.

Bella woke up early but felt rested. Getting up she went into the kitchen and put on the coffee and went back into the bathroom. Since she had not washed her hair last night due to her taking a cold shower, she jumped in the shower this morning and enjoyed the luxurious feel of the combination of hot water and her Vanilla Shampoo and Conditioner. Getting out of the shower she dried off and then dried her hair. She took her time moisturizing her skin with her Vanilla Lotion and then dressed. Going into the kitchen, she poured a cup of coffee and then went into the sitting room, sat down at the vanity and put on some light make-up. She hoped Prince had a better night last night than the previous one. As that thought entered her mind, she her his knock on her door.

Answering the door she greeted her Prince. "Good morning my sweet". "Good morning Mama". "How did you sleep", Bella asked. "Don't ask" Prince said. "Would you like some coffee and breakfast"? "Yes thank you", Prince said. He followed her into the kitchen and before she could get a cup out of the cupboard, he put his arms around her waist, turned her toward him and kissed her tenderly. " I'm sorry if I got a little out of hand last night", he said. Bella smiled at him and said "no apology needed. When I asked you to stop, you did, albeit reluctantly. I expect there to be a little reluctance but I appreciate very much your willingness to respect my requests and not to push me past my safety zone. " I love you Bella", Prince said. "I love you more" Bella responded! She poured his coffee adding his flavored cream and sugar. He sat at the kitchen table drinking it while she made his breakfast. They easily chatted while eating, enjoying each others company and cleaned up the kitchen together afterwards. Going into the living room they sat and continued their morning conversation. Prince reached for and held her hand while they spoke. She asked him about the Walks with Jesus and to tell her again how they worked. He shared his experience with her emphasizing how much the Walks were helping him. He reminded her about the meeting with the Angels and as it got close to time for him to leave for his Walk, kissed her on the forehead thanking her for breakfast and her company and then left for his time Jesus.

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