Book III-Chapter 100, To Love God Is to Trust God

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Prince's POV

Prince had gone to bed in a state of total mental exhaustion.  He had started out so many years ago to make music,  beautiful, meaningful music that praised the wonder of his Creator's most precious and woman and the love they made.  The love they made was both intellectual,  emotional and physical which was reserved for each other but they also made spiritual love to and for God with their compositions, lyrics, instruments, and voices.  Sure, he had also wanted to make money.  He had made a promise to his Bella while still in Paradise that he would be successful for her so he could take care of her and their children and that took money...but he had never dreamed that anything like this was even possible much less likely to happen to him.  It scared him.  How did one even begin to manage numbers like a billion dollars?  He did not want to fail his family...his Bella.  He had laid there in the night with these thoughts running through his mind.  Finally when he was too tired to process even one more thought, sleep came...sweet, restful, sleep.  The last thing he would remember when he finally woke the next morning was his calling out to his God in his mind.  'Father help me to do Your will with this do what is right for You, my family, my band, the Church and the World.  His Creator would hear his prayer and would surprise him in the morning...Prince would never fear his ability to handle money again and he would make a lot more of it.  He would not fear because when he woke his beloved Creator would have planted the most important thoughts he would ever have in his mind.  

Prince.  Prince, Prince.  His eyes fluttered open and as they did, it seemed like he had heard his name being called from very far away.  But the last call of his name had seemed like it was right here, right in this room.  Prince sat up, looked around but heard only silence.  He got up after looking to his right and seeing that his Bella was still sleeping peacefully.  He headed into the bathroom and after making his morning water stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection.  While he was tired from the restlessness he had experienced last night, he did not look any the worse for wear.  He turned on the water and began to wash his hands and after brushing his teeth he pulled a washcloth from the shelving under the contemporary sink,  he wet it with cold water and placed the cloth on his face.  Wow!  That felt good.  It was then that he heard a familiar voice in his mind.  It was his Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ...the Anointed Son of God.  'Prince' He said, 'do not worry about such things as the managing of the money that the work brings to you.  The money is not yours, just like the music is not yours.  Remember where it comes from.  It comes from the Universe which is directly from the Creator.  He will guide you in what you are to do with it.  He wants you and your children and your children's children through many generations to live faithful, good and content lives.  He wants you to live well, but equal with that, he wants you to trust Him in all things including this.  Trust that the Creator is concerned with everything big and small about you and yours and that He will, without fail, until you take your last earthly breath,  guide you in everything you do.  The greatest sign of love that you can give to Him is just that...your trust!  Just trust Prince, trust and follow His voice and obey'. 

Prince fell to his knees on the cool tiles in the master ensuite bathroom and with tears streaming down his face said to his Savior," thank you Jesus.  I am sorry, I am so sorry".  He felt a sense of warmth and well being come over him and heard again in his mind, 'there is no need for are human and you will experience fear and other human emotions , but remember to call on Me.  I am Divine and will never fail to remind you of who you belong to and the promise of love and guidance that the Creator has given you for eternity'.  Prince said out loud "thank you my Lord" and felt totally content in His presence and totally sure of His love.  He looked up to see Bella standing in the doorway.  He stood and moved to her quickly.  "Bella" he said, "I just"...Bella cut him off saying softly "I heard baby".  He pulled her into his arms and as he hugged her close he caught a glimpse of them in the mirror.  They were both glowing, their bodies silhouetted in golden light..they had the favor of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and they would do His will forever!

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