Book III-Chapter 103, Battle at Key West

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"Everlasting God, You have ordained and constituted the service of angels and men in a wonderful order. Mercifully grant that, as Your holy angels always serve and worship You in heaven, so by Your appointment they may also help and defend us here on earth".

Pr. Brian Hamer. Chaplain to the 11th Regiment of the 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, CA, via the LCMS Board for International Mission Services.

Prince's POV

The 4 had totally enjoyed their Para-Sailing Experience and had come back to shore feeling wet, happy and completely thrilled. They had laughed at the way that they felt when their feet hit solid land. They actually felt regretful that they were not creatures of the air. They felt so free as they had soared through the sky. That was as close as they would ever come to knowing how it felt to be an Angel and fly effortlessly through the air. No wonder Michael and all the other Angels he and Bella had known always looked so content. They were truly free creatures and were created as such by God. They had walked back to their Chaises and sat for a time. Prince told Ray that he should really Para-Sail before they left the Key and he said he would if Prince would go again with him. "Deal" Prince said and it was settled. They would Para-Sail again this week. The group had ordered Lemonade for every one including the little ones. Roger heard the order and ran over to "Pwince" and asked "for us too"? As Prince nodded, Roger had jumped in the air like he had just won a basketball game during "March Madness" and said "yes" at the top of his lungs. He loved Lemonade. Prince asked him if he played Basketball and he said he had a net in the basement of their house that his Mom and Dad had bought for the them. His big brother said they let them play on it in the driveway in the summer time. It was adjustable and so would grow with them until they needed a grown up one, Ray Jr. added. They ordered some lunch, Chicken Salad in a cup, Fruit and Crackers for the boys and Fruit Salad with a scoop of Chicken Salad for the Ladies and Prince. Carlos had a Reuben as did all of Security and Ray had Ham and Swiss. They all had Baked Potato Chips on the side. Once they had eaten, Jeannette fed Anna Elizabeth and changed her and then they sat and talked and laughed and just enjoyed each other for the next hour. Prince looked up places for dinner in the Historic District. He found a place that sounded kind of interesting. It was called the Salty Angler. It seemed to be an All American place that was casual and offered BBQ, Burgers, Seafood, Milkshake Cocktails and Live Music. He called the owner of the hotel, announcing himself as Billy Thomas and asked about the food, music and the atmosphere . The owner told him that it was a very popular place that the music was normally a local Folk-Blues singer who was quite good, the food was consistently good and the Milkshake Cocktails were delicious. When asked about children the answer was yes children were welcome, but they might want to have an earlier dinner as later it became more like a local pub scene. Prince also found out they made regular Milkshakes too as they had a nursing mother in the group. He shared his news and Jeannette laughed and thanked him and they all agreed to give it a try. The boys wanted to swim a bit before going in to clean up for dinner and so Ray and Prince took them to the water. Both men were strong swimmers and that is always important when supervising little ones in the water. They decided they would be at the restaurant by 6:00 PM and then went in to shower and dress. It was 3:00 PM.

Jeannette bathed Anna in the kitchen sink and got her into a diaper and a neon orange onesie. Ray did the same with Roger and Barry in the tub while Jeannette was taking care of their sister. Ray Jr. showered on his own. Once the little ones were clean and dressed Anna Elizabeth played with her brothers under the watchful eye of Ray Jr. while their parents took a quick shower together. Jeannette would let her hair dry naturally which would only enhance its shine and curls. She dressed in a short flowered skirt and peach blouse that was one of the colors in the skirt. She completed the outfit with gold sandals and a peach and gold summer weight sweater that she would take along in case it got cool at night. Ray wore some Tommy Bahama Walking shorts in peach with a Tropical shirt by the same designer. Prince and Bella had showered and dressed and Bella had washed and conditioned her beautiful hair. She was wearing a short pink floral skirt and a matching off the shoulder top with pink and gold sandals. Prince had on hot pink walking shorts and a matching pink and aqua shirt. Carlos was dressed in pale green shorts with a pale green floral shirt. Both men wore sandals also. Elaine chose a pale green tennis skirt and matching short sleeve top and pale green sandals. They looked like total beach towners and were ready for a good meal and some fun. Prince had arranged for a rental stroller to be brought to the hotel so they could walk along the strip of restaurants and shops without it being uncomfortable for Jeannette. They got into the the SUVs and headed to the Restaurant. While it was only a mile a way a 20 minute walk each way was a bit much for the little guys.

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