Book III-Chapter 118, World Conquerors

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Prince's POV

Prince woke up feeling relaxed but a little cool. The air had turned on, and while it was on low, it still had adjusted the temperature just enough to wake him. He became aware that he was lying half on and half off of Bella's back. He rolled onto his side and scooted up until he was next to her. She turned on her side with her back to him. He pulled the lightweight sheet and blanket over them both and got close to her. Her hair was loose, and he laid his cheek on the pillow and took in the wonderful coconut vanilla fragrance of it. He smiled... 'this woman'...he thought...and 'she is all mine.' He put his arm across her tiny waist, and pulling her closer, went back to sleep. It was 1:00 AM.

When next he woke, it was 8:30 AM. This time, however, he was anything but relaxed. Although he had worked out last night and then made love to his beautiful Bella, he had been most stimulated by the Universe this weekend as their rehearsals had been extremely intense. The result was everything he had worked and hoped for. The intensity, however, had left him very, very hot for his woman. He was developing greater control, as he had pushed his desire aside for a couple of days as they had so much that they and the girls had to do. Now that he had tasted the amazing sex that Bella gave him again, he was almost beside himself. His dick was bone hard, and it was throbbing. He rolled on his back and put his hand on it, and it was also hot to the touch. Turning again onto his side, even though her back was to him, he knew she was still sleeping. Her deep, slow breathing told him that. He began to move his hips back and forth, causing that big, hard, hot dick to hit her hips. He moaned, and she woke to the delicious feeling of Prince's desire for her. Turning over, she kissed his lips softly, gently, which brought another moan to his throat. "Bella," he whispered. She kissed his lips again, and he pushed her back and onto her back. He crawled down her body and, finding the wetness of her pussy with his hand...put his head between her legs and started to lick and suck her wetness and then did the same to her clitoris. Bella began to undulate her hips to the same rhythm Prince was creating with his mouth. "Baby, baby," she whispered, "don't stop"! He didn't and increased his pace of kissing and sucking and licking! "Prince," she said, and then, the quickening in her abdomen hit her with a vengeance. She felt the heat of passion in her pussy, and she came and shouted his name as she did. "Prince," she cried out, "Prrriince," and she could not help it...she came again! Prince lay there for a moment panting and in a daze, then he felt the wetness down between his own legs. He had been so excited as he brought her to orgasm, he had come too. He lay there with his cheek on the back of one of her thighs. Someday he promised himself he would create a life for them where they could make love all day and night and do nothing else if they wished except make music and take care of their babies. He made a promise to himself that he would make that happen...and a few years from now...he would have accomplished just that! Crawling up to Bella's side, he said "good morning, sweet Bella" and kissed her on her cheek. "Good morning, Prince," she said, her eyes dancing with joy and her smile as bright as the sun. "Let's get dressed, Mama", he said. "We have a plane to catch." He got up and headed into the bathroom. She lay there for another moment and heard the toilet flush, and then the shower turn on. She got up and went to join him in the shower. They were dressed and ready within the hour. At 9:30 AM, Prince, with Bella's help carried their bags into the hallway near the garage door. Carlos and Elaine were right behind them, Ross had a blended breakfast smoothie that included fresh fruit and yogurt in paper cups with lids and straws for each of the 4 and the Security team to drink as they headed to the airport. At 9:45 AM all the bags had been loaded into the SUV and the Arista Security team had arrived and were in the process of getting last minute instructions from Frank. Ray was driving and once they were all in the vehicle, he carefully backed out of the garage and once out, let the garage door down and took to the air. At 10:05, Ray landed the Air SUV in front of the VIP terminal and the 4 waited until Frank cleared them to exit. It was a very mild LA morning and the 4 waited outside near VIP check-in with their bags under the watchful eye of Security. As always, the plane was already there and the Bus with their instruments pulled up next to the SUV almost at the same time that they arrived. Prince and Carlos greeted their bandmates and helped to load the instruments in the plane's bay as soon as they were screened. Ray took the vehicle to VIP parking and was followed by Sidney in the bus. The 4 boarded the plane once Frank and Larry had cleared it. They greeted Greg as they boarded and by 11:00 AM they were seated and eagerly waiting for the plane to take off. While the flight attendants went through their spiel, Prince reached for Bella's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. He then leaned closer to her whispering in her ear..." we are going to conquer Europe and the Pacific Mama...and then I am going to marry you"! Bella smiled and kissed him on his cheek whispering back..." can't wait". 'Next stop Paris' she thought. Hearing her, Prince smiled and said "yup" and looked over her and out of the window as the plane began to taxi, gathering speed for takeoff. In just seconds they were airborne and en route to Paris.

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