Book III-Chapter 83, Drilling Down to the Details!

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Elaine's POV

Elaine woke to the jarring sound of the alarm on Carlos' cell phone. She didn't have to look; she knew it was 3:45 AM. He had hit the snooze button, and it would go off again in 5 minutes. She lay there, listening to the quiet of the morning as her mind began to catch up with her eyes and wake up to this new day. It was Thursday, and she had called Carlos' mom yesterday morning just before they went to the 7:00 AM roll film call but had not heard back from her. That was very unusual, and she had meant to ask Carlos about it last night but was so tired that she forgot. She would ask him this morning at breakfast. She got up and going into the bathroom, took care of her morning business, and then came back into the bedroom. She smiled as she looked at Carlos as he was still sprawled diagonally across the bed with one foot peeking out from under the covers. She went into the closet, picked out her clothes for the day, a pair of neon blue, fleece-lined ski pants with a matching pullover and fleece-lined, ankle-high ski boots in gray. She pulled out some cotton knit socks in a neon blue and gray pattern as well as her undies and, returning to the bedside, leaned over and kissed Carlos on the forehead and said, "Time to get up sleepy head." He rolled over onto his side from his stomach facing her and smiled his million-dollar smile and said, "I wish we could play hooky today and maybe spend it doing a little somethin', somethin' as he reached to touch her bountiful breasts." "Un are not going to get me in trouble with Prince and Anthony Pacino even if you are one of the world's greatest studs", Elaine said. "One of," he said with a questioning look while heavily wrinkling his forehead. She started to giggle. "I am going to jump in the shower," she said, taking her undies with her but leaving the rest of her clothes on one of the chairs in their room. Carlos was up in a flash and joined her in the shower after making his morning water. They dried themselves and put on a heavy moisturizer to protect their skin in this cold weather, and dressed quickly. Elaine made up the bed, and they then headed to the kitchen to get some coffee and breakfast. As they walked down the hall, they heard Ross singing to himself in the kitchen, and they could smell the lovely aroma of fresh ground coffee brewing. They walked in, and Carlos said, "Good morning Ross." "Morning, Carlos, Elaine," he answered. "I see you dressed for the weather Elaine." "Yup," she said. "Good thing because the weatherman just said it is 3 degrees outside with an expected high of 7 degrees Fahrenheit". " Ugh," Carlos said. Elaine poured two cups of coffee and dressed them. Ross said, "I have made Maple Sugar Oatmeal with chopped fresh fruit and wheat toast for breakfast." "Sounds yummy," Elaine said. She got the softened butter out from under the warming light and set it on the table along with 1% and Almond Milk. Bella and Prince walked in as she set the Milk on the table. "Morning, you two," Ross said. "Good morning," Bella said. "Sleep well," Prince asked Ross? " Like a rock like always," he answered. "Have you let Security know breakfast is ready?" Carlos asked? "No, but they will be right along," and as if by magic, Frank and Melvin walked in the kitchen as he spoke, followed by Larry seconds later. Bella poured coffee for Prince, the Security team, and herself, and they sat down to eat. Larry was asked to say grace, and then they dug into the hot meal thereafter. "Carlos, have you talked to your mom since the weekend," Elaine asked? "No, but I talked to dad on Tuesday; why"? " I called her yesterday but did not hear back from her. I wanted to know if she had found a restaurant that she liked for the Rehearsal Dinner". "That's unusual," Ross said. He looked at his watch. His mom was an early riser, but it was still a little too early to call her. He would call her right after makeup as she was always up by 6:00 AM and told Elaine that he would get her on the line at that time. They finished breakfast, and Prince and Carlos took clean up duty, and then they headed to the hall closet to get their coats and scarfs and gloves and then piled out to the garage and got in one of the SUVs. No one was running errands tonight, so they only would take the one vehicle. As they got into the vehicle, Elaine asked Bella about using a wedding coordinator in Cancun rather than Detroit. "I think it will be easier," she continued. "Boy, do I agree with that," Bella said. "Just cutting down on the number of phone calls would be helpful," she added. Elaine said they needed to do a three-way during lunch with their mothers to arrange to get one selected right away. "That is a plan, Bella," said. The brief trip continued in silence, and soon they were landing and pulling into The Stork VIP parking area. They moved hurriedly inside because despite the garage being enclosed, it was still freezing out there. Bella was glad that she had chosen fleece-lined leggings today with a matching fleece-lined top. Prince had chosen quilted ski apparel this morning, as had Carlos. While lightweight, it was heavily insulated and very warm. Prince was glad that she had chosen those red fleece-lined leggings too because they hugged that gorgeous body of hers, including that oh so hot round bottom, and he was really enjoying the view. He walked behind her into The Stork and then, quickening his step to catch up with her, told her so. She giggled and said, "oh, you," play punching him in the arm. They went to their individual makeup tables to begin the morning routine. Antoine came around with hot cocoa at about 5:15 AM.

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