Book III, Chapter 51, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2

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December, Finals Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2

Prince's POV

After the show, all of the performers freshened up and then had a meal that the The Stork had prepared for them that was absolutely amazing. They were joined by the parents and Christian and his wife. They were able to choose between Duck, Cornish Hens, or Prime Rib and a selection of cooked and uncooked Veggies that were so good they could only be described as out of this world. In honor of Prince, the chef had made Sweet Potato pie for dessert. Andy had thanked the band repetitively telling them how great the performance had been and how much he appreciated them and toasted them with the finest of Champagne. After the meal, they visited a little, but the performers were tired especially Bella and Elaine and so they broke up the gathering after about three hours and all headed home. Since some of them would not see each other until after Christmas, they asked Prince to sing something for them and he chose Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Carlos, then offered a prayer of thanks for all that the Creator had done for them this year and for traveling grace for those driving to Chicago or flying elsewhere and after hugs all around, they went to their different vehicles to get a good night's sleep. Prince, Bella, Elaine and Carlos headed to David and Kendra's place accompanied by Ross and Frank, while Royal and Savannah, Alejandro and Nita drove the car they came in back to Andy and Linda's place. Andy and Linda rode in another of their cars home. David and Kendra and Helen traveled back to their place under the watchful eye of Melvin, Larry, Jermaine and the other member of Jermaine's staff who had come with them earlier today. Once everyone was accounted for and secure, they took to the air and headed to their places of rest.

When they arrived at David and Kendra's, Bella and Elaine hugged each other good night and headed to their rooms. Prince and Carlos talked for a few minutes and then did the same. Bella was brushing her teeth when Prince came into their room. He quickly shed his clothes, put on some purple pajamas and joined Bella in the bathroom to brush his teeth. When they were finished they went back into the bedroom and Prince kissed Bella gently on the cheek and said that "you were amazing tonight. By the way happy birthday". Bella kissed him lightly on the lips and said "you are amazing every night and thank you". Her birthday was actually on December 3, but when he had asked her what she wanted to do to celebrate back in November, she had thanked him for remembering but said she honestly had too much to do to complete the semester to even think about celebrating anything until after finals. Prince being Prince, he had begun the celebrating of her 19th birthday at tonight's show, because he wanted all to know how much he loved her...she was thrilled and had no way of knowing there was more to come. They climbed into bed kissed again and fell into a much needed sleep.

Prince woke up first the next morning, he had some things he wanted to do before Bella awoke. He quietly went into the bathroom did his morning business, grabbed his robe, put his cell phone in his pocket and went into the kitchen. He was the first up this morning in the whole house so he made some coffee and once it was on, pulled out his phone and called his dad. "Morning" his dad's sleep filled voice said. Prince looked at the time on his phone and saw that it was barely 7:00 AM. Pouring himself a cup of coffee he said "good morning dad. I should have checked the time before I called. I didn't realize how early it was until you answered". "No problem son. What's up"? " I didn't get a chance to ask last night. Did the package show up"? "It sure did son and wow that is one beautiful ring". " Do you think Bella will like it"? "I know she will. Hell I am a man and I love it"...his dad said laughing! "Thank you dad. I will get it from you by tomorrow. I am going to ask her on Christmas eve". "That's my boy" Royal said chuckling again. " me later when you decide when you want to hook up". "I was thinking that we might head to David's gym and play some basketball if you and Carlos want to, said Prince. "Sounds good to me...just let me know", Royal said. " at you later", Prince said disconnecting the call. " What's cool" Bella asked smiling as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee? I was just asking my dad if he wanted to play some ball. He said cool if David, Andy and Carlos and security wanted to he was down. "Oh...when are you going to play". " I won't know until I talk to the guys, but either today or tomorrow". "Nice" Bella said. "Do you want a cheering section"? Prince smiled and thought back to the many games she had come to and cheered for him while they were in Paradise. You better know it he said as he embraced her around her tiny waist and pulled her to him for a kiss. "You taste so good", he said. "So do you my Prince". They sat down at the table and talked through the things they had to do before the Christmas Day. Bella had completed her shopping but had some things to wrap. She had found a little oil painting in a frame in the style of Monet, for her mother, who was really into art and a replica of a 500 year old putter for her dad. The original had been made by a man who had helped to create the Old St. Andrews golf course in Scotland back in the 1700s. Her dad was quite the golfer and she knew he would be thrilled. She and Prince had gotten Carlos a Drumlite which was a kit of lights for his drums. It could be set to fade or flash 8 different colors, came with a control box and wireless remote and "required no soldering, drilling or cutting into the drums" according to the manufacturer. She had heard him talking about them with Prince and when she suggested them, Prince thought they would be a great gift. For Elaine, Bella had gotten a massage gift pack from Perfect Body. It was for a massage a week for a full year. She could choose from 10 different massage types for each one...from deep kneading Swedish to hot stone aromatic ones. For Prince's parents she and Prince had decided to get them airline ticket passes that could be used on any airline for up to 6 international trips or 12 domestic trips, depending on how they chose to use them. Their gift to Andy and Linda were the free concerts from Prince and the Picture Album of the Concerts from Bella. And for Alejandro and Nita they had purchased a night on Broadway to see the revival of Dream Girls with dinner and a room at the renowned Plaza on Central Park. There was also the delivery of the mystery gift for Prince. She would call today and see how it was coming and if she could pick it up earlier than December 24. While they were talking about it, she said she wanted to get a massage and her hair and nails done. He was fine with that and told her just to put it on his card. She thanked him with a smile and a big kiss. He also said he would speak to Carlos and suggest he did the same for Elaine...she kissed him again. Just then Elaine and Carlos came into the kitchen. Prince asked to speak to Carlos for a moment...and when he and Carlos returned to the kitchen he nodded at Bella and she told Elaine about the beauty day she was planning. They could decide if it would be today or tomorrow once Prince figured out what day the guys would play basket ball. Prince and Carlos would invite the band members that were staying in town and their dad's and Bella and Elaine's dads too and of course the security team. After calling everyone, they guys decided to play today. Bella got on the phone and booked their beauty appointments for tomorrow...they would be gone the majority of the day. She then called Schwartz's jewelry. Mr. Schwartz said that she could pick up the gift tomorrow and that they would be open until 9:00 PM. With that, she and Elaine decided on breakfast and began cooking it for all in the house including Bella's dad's security team. They made an old fashioned Southern breakfast of Bacon and Eggs, Hash browns and toast and jelly. It was served with Orange Juice and they made another pot of Fresh coffee. The Expander was still in the table and would remain so until after the holidays. Prince and Carlos let everyone know that breakfast would be ready in 20 minutes as soon as the girls began cooking. Melvin and Helen were the last to arrive in the kitchen and both Prince and Carlos and his brothers began teasing him. He just grinned his Cheshire cat grin and sat down with his lady at the table. David said grace and they enjoyed great food among great company. Kendra and Helen took cleanup duty while everyone else prepared to go watch the guys play basketball. The guys easily won against two local groups of men that David knew in two different pick up games. Prince got Bella's gift from his dad and gave it to Frank to secure until they got back to David and Kendra's place where he would ask him to place it in the safe until Christmas Eve day. They would go to Midnight Mass as as a family on Christmas Eve...Prince and Bella, Carlos and Elaine and all four sets of their parents at Bella and Elaine's Church. Mass would be held in the main Sanctuary. Prince , had however called ahead to ask if he could use the Chapel for a little while right after the Mass ended. The church was serving breakfast after the Mass so he would have time for his next surprise for Bella before they left the church. Telepathically he asked Michael, Sandalphon and Uriel and Raphael if they could visit them on Christmas Eve in the small chapel at St. Benedict. right after Mid-Night Mass. "We would love to", Michael answered in response.

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