Book III-Chapter 63, Another Chance, the Phenomenon

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Another Chance, The Phenomenon

Bella's POV

Bella woke up early the next morning, but did not get up right away.  She was thinking about how within two weeks of graduating from college her life had changed so much.  Her phone had blown up for hours last night after the news story on her book Another Chance.  Mostly it was reporters that were calling trying to get an interview with her about the book.  Prince had gotten a call from the New York Times reporter, Andrea Williams and with Bella's support would call her today to confirm a date and time for an interview with her.  She thought that she would limit the print interviews to just the New York Times for now.  She would listen to messages today to see if there were others in any media that she should talk to.  She now was getting a taste of what Prince had gone through for a whole lifetime and understood even more fully why he had protected his privacy so.  She turned and looked at her sleeping Prince.  It never failed to surprise her how amazingly beautiful he was.  She gave him a butterfly kiss on his cheek and got up and went to take care of her morning business.  Ross would leave this evening to visit his family and would not return until next Sunday night.  Bella would check to see what groceries they needed and get them today.  After washing her hands and brushing her teeth, Bella went into the kitchen to make coffee for her still sleeping Prince and their household.  Looking at the clock she saw that it was 8:15 AM.  Ross arrived in the kitchen the same time as Bella.  "Well congratulations to the newest Superstar in the family",  he said smiling.  "Thank you Ross", Bella said. "I am still in shock", she added.  She busied herself with making the coffee.  "Since it is my last day for a week, I thought I would make  breakfast crepes this morning",  Ross said.  "That sounds wonderful", Bella replied.  I got fresh strawberries and made the topping last night, Ross added.   "Since I do not fly until 9:30, I will make dinner too.  I thought Swordfish steaks, salad and potato cheese balls might be good".  "You really spoil us Ross, thank you", Bella said.

Bella fixed two cups of coffee and took them back into the bedroom.  As she walked through the door she heard that gorgeous morning voice of Prince's say, "I smell coffee.  Good morning Bella".  "Good morning Prince".  He got out of bed took his coffee and set it on the table between the overstuffed chairs and then kissed her on the cheek.  "Be right back" he said.  After taking care of his morning business and washing his hands and teeth, he returned and sat in his chair and drank his coffee.  "Yum that is good Mama", he said.  "So today, I will schedule the rehearsals in preparation for the tour", Prince said.  "I am thinking we can use the same costumes we had for the record release tour we did here in the States".  "I do too, they are beautifully made and have stood up to laundering well".  "Yes they have. But since we will be overseas, perhaps we need to take two sets.  We will need to bring at least one costumer with us though I think" he added and got up and retrieved his lyric book from the bed stand and wrote: 

Travel Arrangements to be made

1 Costumer

Performance dates and Venues

Arista Plane for 20.  

Parents which concerts


"Oh and I also need to confirm a date for your interview with Andrea Williams.  Do you have a particular date in mind", Prince asked?  "Any day but a Tuesday since we will be working on the script all day on Tuesdays.  Also it will need to be done around the rehearsal schedule". " Aye Aye Captain" Prince said laughing.  Bella looked at him and shook her head.  "Ross is making breakfast crepes".  "Yum" Prince said.  Bella pulled up her calendar on her phone.  Today was the first Saturday in June.  They had a month to get ready for the European tour and they both knew things were going to get crazy...but as always they would get through it together.  They got up and went and showered to get ready for the day.  

Another Chance Book I of IIINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ