Book III-Chapter 92. Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1

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Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1

Bella's POV

When the alarm went off on Friday morning, Bella was already awake. She was excited about seeing the venue where her wedding would take place...where she would become Mrs. Arabella Anderson. While tasting the food would be fun, it was secondary to the idea that she would be walking through a door that would forever change her life when she entered the gates of the Generations Resort Compound. Thoughts of that were both delicious and a little scary at the same time. She was on the road to not only being a wife but also a mother, which while that was something that she had wanted all of her existence to become for Prince, the journey also had many unknown places within it. She however knew that to be anything else for her was impossible...and so scared and happy at the same time she would say I do to all that was asked of her. She looked at the alarming clock and noting it was 6:30 AM turned it off and headed to the bathroom. After making her morning water and washing her hands and brushing her teeth. She headed to the kitchen to brew the coffee. She knew someone had beat her to it as she could smell the wonderful fragrance as she entered the hallway that lead to the kitchen. As she entered she saw Prince's grandmother, Savannah's mom. Prince had always called her Grams. "Morning Grams. You are up early. I see you made coffee". "Yes Bella...force of habit I guess. I have always been an early riser as I used to make breakfast for my husband before he left for the office. He always liked to be there by 7:30 AM to look over the list of patients for the day. Bella, I have a favor to ask". "Of course. What can I do"? "Would you mind looking at the dress I chose for the Premier? I want to make certain it is suitable". "I will be happy to, but I know it is. You are such an exquisite dresser". Grams smiled and waited while Bella dressed her coffee and then they went up to the room that she and Prince's grandfather were using. It had a spacious dressing area attached to it as you entered and Grams led her into it. Going to the closet, she pulled out the dress. It was gorgeous and looked exactly like what Bella would have expected from such a lovely woman.

"Oh Grams" Bella said

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Oh Grams" Bella said. It is beautiful and perfect for the occasion. Prince will be so proud. Gram's smiled. Thank you Baby she said and hugged her future grand-daughter-in-law. She was always so sweet and transparent. Her 'little Prince' had done well for himself she thought. They turned to go back down to the kitchen and as they did, ran into Prince. "I came into the kitchen and didn't find you", he said to Bella, "so I came up here to see where you were". "Morning Prince" Bella said grinning. "Your Grams asked me to take a peek at her dress for the Premier. It is gorgeous". "Morning Grams", Prince said kissing her on the cheek. "Can I see it too"? "Of course Prince", his Grams said and walked him to the closet. She pulled the dress back out. "Grams that is fabulous. You are going to look hot"! "Thank you Baby" she said. He kissed her cheek again. "Well let's go get some coffee into you" Grams added. They went downstairs and Grams poured coffee for her grandson and refreshed hers and Bella"s. They visited for a little while and then went to dress for the day. "Your Grams's is so sweet. So is your granny" Bella said. "That is what they both say about you", he said kissing her on the lips. They went into the shower and then dressed for the day. After ensuring that they had everything they should in their suitcases, Prince grabbed them and took them downstairs and placed them by the door to the garage. He then joined Bella, his Grams, who had also showered and dressed, Bella's mom and his own Mom, Savannah, Ross and his grandfather in the kitchen. Bella's mom was making breakfast with Savannah's help. They were having an old fashioned country breakfast. Eggs and bacon, grits, hashbrowns and wheat toast. Bella and Prince were sent to wake the rest of the household and tell them breakfast would be ready in 10 minutes. Everyone made it to the table within the time-frame. David invited Prince's grandfather to say the grace. He thanked God for this time of fellowship with family and thanked Him for the food and the cooks! After the Amens all helped themselves to the excellent food. Bella and Prince took clean up duty while the rest of the household dressed or went into the family room to listen to the news. Prince turned on the small Cloud Stream set in the kitchen. There was the normal after the holiday stuff in the news...stores that were having sales for Black Friday, heart touching tales of Thanksgivings that were the first in many years...but then another story came on that caused Prince to turn up the volume.

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