Book III-Chapter 76, A Test Of Resilience Part 2

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Filming Continues-The Reincarnation Scenes

Prince's POV

Bella was sitting in the audience for the first half of today's filming. They were filming one of the more delightful parts of the movie that focused on Prince between the ages of 3-6 years old. His incredible musical ability was making itself known and his relationship with Michael and Sandalphon, his guardian Angels, was becoming defined. Laid out against the backdrop of his father watching him and thinking that he was" one weird kid" made for a fun filled part of the movie. Although no one who saw the film would know was especially fun for Prince and Bella to watch because as he had told her years ago, it was all true.

Two different little guys would play the role of Prince as a Toddler and then a Kindergartner and they were as cute as buttons and quite comfortable on camera. They were brothers and Bella absolutely adored them and would have lunch with them and their mother whenever they were on the set. Their names were Trey and Troy Jennings and they were three years apart. The youngest one really had taken a shine to Bella while the oldest one liked to sneak off to the vacant set next door, with Prince. There was a piano on that set and Prince had discovered it and would go over there when he was not filming and got bored and play. Troy who was almost 6 years old loved the piano and showed some real ability. Prince really enjoyed spending time with his little side-kick. These two would remain in Prince and Bella's lives for life. Both would become professionals in the business, Troy as a musician, albeit a classical concert pianist who played with the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra and Trey as an Actor. Their father had been killed in one of the many wars that had been fought in the middle east when Trey was just a year old. Their mother was a solid young woman, deeply Christian and determined to give her boys as good a life as possible. They were so handsome that she had gotten them into modeling while they were both still in diapers. The money they made went into a trust for them and the only part of it she ever touched was for their private schooling and their college educations. She was not a typical stage mother. She did not interfere with Directors or make inappropriate demands about how her sons should be treated, or expect her young sons to provide for her. It was her job to do so for them! She was there simply to make certain they were never harmed or put into inappropriate situations. She had been a soldier's wife and knew that predators were everywhere. She would protect her boys! Bella liked her very much. Her name was Teresa Jennings and she was an amazing seamstress which they had discovered because she made almost all of the boys clothes. Prince made certain that she was hired as one of the seamstresses that both made and maintained the costumes on this film. She would find a career that paid very well because of that making far more than she did as a housemother for one of the private schools for children of the very, very rich in the entertainment community. Teresa would be hired permanently by Arista and would go on to become one of the most respected costume designers in the business in later years. Both of her sons would be quite well off when they reached 30 years old and received their trusts and would also be notoriously successful in their chosen fields . This however was their first acting role and they had been strongly championed for the roles by Prince himself after he had seen and met them during auditions. Prince and Bella would become like second parents to these boys and Prince would help them navigate the minefields of the Hollywood and Music environments for many years. Both would not only become strong professionals but would avoid the party/drug climate like the plague, in part because of his guidance. The boys had delivered their parts beautifully and were done in 3 days.

Bella's birth was shot in one day and then through rapid film and time progression she was next seen as 13 years old hanging out with her bestie Elaine Grady. One of the most touching scenes in this sequence was when Bella and Elaine go with their parent's over to Andy's (Elaine's father) after Mass one Sunday to listen to a CloudStream Music file that a friend of his, Royal Anderson, had sent of his son singing and his band playing. He was graduating from college early at 20 and was determined to have a career in music. His dad who was a a Music History Professor said he was the real deal. Bella heard Royal Prince Anderson sing that day for the first time since Paradise and when he sang Adore she forgot to breathe. Bella and Elaine and Prince and Carlos now played themselves at this point in the film. It too was a true event from their lives like most of the story. Prince was remarkable, Bella thought as he worked through his fear and concern of how to even begin to be with Bella since she was so young in the storyline. Anthony Pacino, however thought that they all were unbelievable especially since they were not experienced actors. The more they filmed the more certain he was that they had a Monster of a movie developing before their very eyes. It was Thursday and there were some issues with the dialogue for the scenes that were to be shot on Friday and Monday. Elaine, Becca and Bella therefore would burn the midnight oil tonight at Arista so they would have a workable script for those two days. As it would turn out they would also have to work through Saturday evening, but when they were done...the script flowed exactly as Anthony wanted it too. This would happen more often as they got into the last part of the script. Elaine typically worked Tuesday and Thursday nights on script changes and Bella was with them most of the time at Elaine's request. They were tired...but the movie they were creating was going to be a Beast and so both thought it worth it! Whenever Bella and Elaine had to be at Arista even if the band was not rehearsing, Prince and Carlos were there too. They made certain that the girls not only got dinner, but took the time to eat it and they also made sure they were nearby with their security team. There was a lot they could work on as they listened to the rehearsal CloudStream files so the time was never wasted. But even if it had been, their women would not be without them into the late hours of the night in this environment. Hollywood was a dangerous place.

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