Another Chance Book II-Chapter 1, The Arrival

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Some how today while attempting to publish the last 4 chapters of Book II the entire book was deleted. Rather than lament I hope this will allow me to put it into a true Table of Contents and do some necessary editing. Thank you to those that had read Book II...I will reload as quickly as I can so Book III can emerge.

The Arrival

Prince's POV

Prince had been glowing off and on all day. He felt giddy he was so happy. In just a little while he was going to see her! Prince strained his mind to try to remember every detail he could about Bella from that one encounter so many years ago. How pretty she was, how beautiful her hair and eyes were and so many other things that were whirling in a pool of thought right now. One thing he would never forget was how kissing her cheek had made him feel. He still tingled in his most private of places when he thought of that...and he had thought of that a lot lately. Amiir had come with him to the tunnel where the new souls entered. He was also very curious to see and meet the woman that his father had spent an entire lifetime searching for. They were waiting as close to the entrance as they could get, many others had also gathered to greet loved ones tonight.

Michael and Uriel alighted effortlessly in front of the tunnel like structure that led to the light that Bella had seen from the air. Telepathically, Michael had said you will walk from here. Thank you for getting me here safely she had said in her mind to them both. My pleasure Michael had said while Uriel had added welcome to Paradise. Bella began to walk into the tunnel structure. As she did, she noticed the skin of those in Paradise was either like diamond dust or gold dust. Looking down at her own arm, she noted hers was the gold dust color. As she continued walking she noticed the large numbers of souls that were lining both sides of the tunnel. She guessed they were there to meet and greet loved ones. As she walked she saw on her right her Auntie Dorothy standing with her two sons Dominic and D'Angelo. Dorothy was her dad's youngest sister and the 2 Cousins among her favorite human beings ever! She walked up to them and hearing squeals found her self in the middle of hugs and Holy kisses on both cheeks. Dorothy said it was important to keep going but that they would see each other really soon. As she was preparing to move forward, another cousin, Bucky, whose real name was Henry came running forward, grabbed her and twirled her around and hugged her for all he was worth. She was so glad to see him and her eyes started to feel funny, almost like she was going to cry. As Bucky put her down, Prince saw her. She was with a lady and three men who looked a little like her. Those are her cousins the two shorter ones are from her dad's side, Amiir told him. The 3rd from her mother's side. All however were first cousins and they had been very close in life. For a moment he could not move. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her hair was long, just below her shoulder blades, wavy, dark brown and very thick. Her waist was tiny and drew attention to her,...God help him, he couldn't help but notice...well proportioned hips. Her breasts were small but full and her legs went on for days. She was tarrying a little too long and he could not stand it! He bolted from his place along the wall and went directly to her with Amiir close on his heels. As he approached her he started to glow, and so did Bella! When he got to her he took her hand in his and said, Hello Bella, I have been waiting for you for a lifetime. I am so glad to finally see you again. As he looked into her face he was struck by the beauty of her eyes. They had not changed, they were still almond shaped, widely set, and the deepest softest dark brown he had ever seen. He looked over his right shoulder and saw Amiir there and said Bella, this is my son Amiir. Bella shook his hand and was moved by the pure love that she felt coming from him. Bella had recognized Prince right away. His golden hazel eyes, beautiful hair shaped into a short Afro and his something she had never seen it was so bright and sincere. My love, we need to move on we are going to the Temple to worship the Creator now. As they walked she heard her name called by her Mom and Dad whom she ran over to and kissed on their cheeks, her Aunts Verna, and Anne, Her granny Emma and grandpa Monroe and another cousin Nida who was with their great grandmother Isadora. Each said we will visit soon as she passed. Prince pulled her closer to him and said, center yourself my love, you are about to meet the Christ face to face. Her mind was overwhelmed, she was going to see Jesus, and Prince had called her my love. She glowed even brighter than before. As they entered the temple she saw a huge number of Angels in addition to souls and heard music and harmonies like she had never experienced before. Prince began to sing also. His voice was amazing and more melodious than she remembered. As he sang he gave her a Holy kiss her on her cheek to which she had to return a smile. Her first evening in Paradise was spent worshiping her God with the man she loved since she could remember and his handsome, devoted son. Yes without a doubt, this was Heaven.

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