Book II-Chapter 21, Prayers and Decisions

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Prayers and Decisions

Decisions and Prayers

Princes POV

After Creation Song had ended Prince, Bella and Amiir had returned to Bella's cottage. Prince's exhaustion was actually visible to Bella. He was soaked from sweat, and his arms and legs were shaking as though he was chilled to the bone. Bella pulled a thick Terry Cloth robe from the closet and had him get out of the wet clothes and into the warm robe while she ran hot bath water. She was concerned whenever his overload from the Universe reached these proportions and this was about the worse she had seen him. He was too tired to even really talk. She asked Amiir to make him some hot tea, recommending Chamomile for its calming properties. Amiir who was equally concerned happily did so. Bella pulled out some really soft cotton pajamas for him to put on after his bath as well as a giant thick bath towel. As the water continued to run, Bella went into the living room and sat next to Prince. He seemed to be warming up some as he drank his tea. Amiir handed her a cup of the warm liquid and Bella nodded her appreciation. " Are either of you hungry", Bella asked.? Prince shook his head no and Amiir, answered saying the same.

Prince had finished his tea, and as she got up to check on the water he said "thank you so much Bella". "Thank you Son". She kissed him on the top of his head, went into the bathroom and then came right back out and said" let's get you into a hot tub". Prince walked ahead of her into the bathroom and she stood in the doorway as he slipped out of the robe, hung it on a hook on the wall next to the tub and climbed into the heavenly hot water sliding down into the tub so far all Bella could see was his head and face . She heard a deep sigh come from him and she said "if you need anything just call me". He said "okay Mama". Bella picked his clothes up off of the bed and said clean clothes knowing that they would appear freshly cleaned on hangers in the closet shortly. She went back out into the living room, Amiir was sitting drinking his tea and asked how his Dad was doing? Bella said, "I think that he will be fine, he is just totally exhausted. Thank you for staying and helping Amiir". "Are you kidding", Amiir said? " I would do anything for you and Dad". Bella walked over to him and standing behind his chair, hugged him around his shoulders and said "I know Baby, thank you"! I haven't heard any noise in there for a bit, I am going to check on your father. Bella knocked lightly on the bathroom door and got no answer so she opened the door and peeked in. Prince was still scooted down in the tub and had placed a wet washcloth over his face. "Prince, are you okay"? "Yes" he said almost in a whisper," I am just enjoying this hot water; it feels so good". "Okay, baby, do you need anything"? "Yes, would you mind bathing me? I really feel so tired. I don't think I have the energy to do it myself". "Of course I don't mind", Bella answered. "I will be right back". Bella told Amiir what she was going to do and said please feel free to stay and relax. There is more Tuna in the refrigerator and more lemon bars in the Cookie Jar on the side board if you get hungry. Amiir smiled and said "thanks Bella. I will be right here".

Bella quickly got out of her clothes, put on a Terry Cloth bathrobe just like Prince's and went into the bathroom and bathed him. He told her his arms felt like rag doll arms She understood that feeling. She used to feel like that sometimes after a very hard workout when she was dancing full time while in college. When the muscles got overworked this is how they responded; they felt rubbery. As he leaned forward so she could wash his back, she could tell that he was getting sleepy. That was a good sign she thought. Okay...I want you to stand up for a minute and wash your privates then we will get you rinsed off, and into bed. "Do I get my massage Mama", Prince asked sleepily with his eyes half closed. "You sure do", Bella said. Prince smiled and nodded yes. Prince stood up and washed his nooks and crannies and then sat back down for a final rinse off. He got out of the tub and Bella said don't worry I will clean it later. She dried him off and he slipped back into his robe. They went into the bedroom and she handed him a pair of skivvies that he put on and then he slipped out of the robe again and lay on his stomach. She lotioned his shoulders, neck, back, thighs, lower legs and his feet. When he turned over she did the same to his shoulders, neck, stomach, thighs and lower legs and the front of his feet She did not lotion his privates although someday she would...she smiled at the thought. Once done she handed Prince the pajamas she had taken out of the drawer earlier. He put them on, and she turned down the bed and waited until he had climbed in it. She plumped his pillows up and then as he snuggled into a place of comfort she pulled the covers up and over him. I will be right back she said as she kissed him on the forehead. She went into the living room and found Amiir had fallen asleep in the chair. She woke him gently and told him, it might be best if he stayed over tonight. He said he would like that. She went into the second bedroom and thought up a pair of pajamas and a robe, told him the towels were in the linen closet in the second bathroom and said good night. Returning to the living room she turned out the lights. Bella then walked back through the master bedroom to the bathroom, cleaned out the tub and then jumped into the shower stall, showered, dried off, moisturized herself and then went into the bedroom and slipped into her pale blue gown and climbed into bed. Prince was sleeping and for that she was grateful. She kissed him on the cheek and he snuggled up to her and in his sleep put his arm around her and pulled her close. Goodnight my sweet Prince and moments later, she had fallen asleep herself.

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