Book III-Chapter 71, The Press Conference Part 3

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The Press Conference Part 3

Bella's POV

Bella woke up pleasantly weary from the long night of lovemaking with her Prince. She looked over at him. He was sleeping on his back and a slight smile graced his lips. His breathing was even and quiet. She smiled realizing that no matter how often she woke to his amazing face, it always surprised her just how beautiful he really was. Every morning she was surprised and every morning she gave thanks to her Creator that she woke up beside him one more time. She started to get up. He felt her shift in the bed and reached out and grabbed her hand...still very much asleep. She leaned over and kissed his beautiful lips and whispered in his ear...just going to the bathroom. I will be right back. His grip lessened somewhat and she got up. She made her morning water, gave her hands a good washing and then made the coffee. She went into the sitting room to get the menu for breakfast. She decided to avoid the selection of breads this morning and went for oatmeal with all the fixings, Orange Juice, toast and butter with orange marmalade. She called in the order and then went back into the bedroom. Prince was laying there with his eyes open but had not moved. "How are you baby", Bella asked? "Deliciously tired" he said. She smiled and said," well I have ordered breakfast and it will be here in 15 minutes. Would you like me to serve you in bed". Prince smiled broadly and said "you already did all night long"! She giggled and play punched him in the arm. "Seriously mama, I will get up and eat with you". He got up and went into the bathroom.

When he had finished with his morning routine, he went into the sitting area where Bella was and noted that she had brought in the English version of the morning paper. He picked it up from the side table next to the couch and began scanning the headlines. They had a rehearsal today but for the band only. Elaine and Bella would join them at the rehearsals on Wednesday and Thursday. She had thought about going with them to the venue, but had decided that she would really like to spend the afternoon at the pool and in the Jacuzzi. While he was in the bathroom she had called Elaine and had gotten a big ditto to that thought. "Prince", she said, "since Elaine and I are not needed at rehearsal today, we would like to spend the afternoon here at the pool and just relax. Would that be okay with you"? Prince looked at her and saw the tiredness in her eyes and knew she needed a day to recoup after the lovemaking sessions they had during yesterday and last night. He really didn't like her to be away from his line of sight when they were touring in a city new to her, but he also knew that there were going to be times when he needed to let her do as she wished. Being too controlling was something that he did not want to repeat as it would only alienate her. "Let me call Frank and see which of the guys can stay with you today. I would prefer you to be with me but I understand", he added. He called Frank and told him what the ladies wanted to do and asked to have someone stay with them. Frank said he was concerned about what might occur since the announcement yesterday and said that he wanted 3 guards with Prince and Carlos today at minimum. So far, no one knew of where they were staying but that didn't mean they wouldn't figure it out and he thought they would need two men with the ladies also. He said let me make a phone call.

Frank called hotel security and asked to speak with the Security Director. He explained what he needed including that the individual would need to speak fluent English. The Director said that he would be happy to do it himself. He was very used to working Celebrity details and understood what was needed. Frank asked who he had handled recently and was given 4 names. Frank knew three of the security detail members. He agreed to Rocco Carpetti's offer and said he would call him back momentarily with the amount he would be paid for the day. Before he called Prince, he called his 3 security buddies who had worked details with Carpetti. Each of them said that he was a good man, well trained during his days in the Esercito Italiano, where he was in Special Forces. He was brave, skilled in various combat techniques and had excellent instincts. Frank called Prince and told him what he had in mind and cleared paying him the same as his teammates for the day. Prince had no problem with that. He would go to a bank and do a money exchange on his way to the rehearsal. He did however want to meet Carpetti. Frank said he would arrange it and asked if over lunch would work. Yes Prince had told him as long as it was early. Rehearsal started at 2:30 PM today. Frank set lunch up at 12:30 and would introduce Carpetti to Bella and Elaine then. They only needed 15 minutes to get to the venue. Ross would stay behind with the girls and Carpetti.

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