Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 29, Musical Road Warriors

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Musical Road Warriors

Prince's POV

Bella woke up to find that she had slept with her head on Prince's shoulder and in his arms all night. Sitting up in bed she stretched and turned off the phone alarm. It was 5:00 AM and they needed to be at the airport by 8:00 AM as Prince and Carlos would want to help with the unloading of the instruments and getting them onto the plane. She got up and went into the bathroom to do her normal morning routine and then went into the kitchen to make coffee. There would be no food service on the plane since it was such a short flight, so she decided to make some hot cereal. Prince and Carlos both liked Malt-O-Meal and Cream of Wheat. They were almost out of Cream of Wheat so Malt-O-Meal it would be. Bella took the rest of the fresh fruit out of the refrigerator and began cutting up two Cantaloupe, a Pineapple, some Bananas and what was left of a Watermelon and a handful of Blueberries. Once the fruit was chopped, she put it in a big bowl in the refrigerator to let the flavors and juices mingle as it chilled. Bella mixed up the makings for some muffins and threw some blueberries into the batter. She greased the muffin tin cups and poured the batter into them and placed them in the already heated oven. Pouring and dressing a cup of coffee she went back into the bedroom to wake up her handsome Prince. He was sleeping so peacefully and looked so incredibly beautiful that she could not help but smile. "Thank you Lord for the love of this beautiful man", she whispered. She set the coffee cup on his bed stand and kissing him on the cheek said "time to rise and shine sweet baby". His long lashes fluttered as his eyes opened. Seeing her, he smiled and pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips. "Good morning Bella" he said. She said "sit up and drink your coffee my love. Breakfast will be ready in just a little bit". He sat up and took a sip and said "that's good Mama". She kissed him on the tip of his nose and went back into the kitchen to tend to the food. In just a few minutes, Prince had joined her in the kitchen still in his pajamas but had added a robe and was sipping from his coffee cup. "What's for breakfast", he asked? "A fruit medley, Malt-O-Meal and some Blueberry muffins", Bella said. "Yum", he said. "Did you take the butter out to soften", Prince asked? Bella smiled and pointed to the sideboard and he saw the butter dish. He grinned. Prince got the dishes out of the cabinet and began to set the table. When that was completed he went and knocked on Carlos and Elaine's door to let them know that breakfast would be ready in about 10 minutes. He knocked on the bodyguard's door and said the same. In just a few minutes, all had come into the kitchen and were seated at the table. Only Frank and Larry were dressed. Bella poured coffee for everyone and they sat down joining hands for the blessing of the food. Larry offered the prayer this morning and they ate. Everyone complimented Bella on the muffins and they all enjoyed the meal. Frank and Larry volunteered for cleanup duty and the rest of the house went to dress.

Prince and Bella showered together quickly and then moisturized one another and dressed. Bella packed their personal totes with all of the things they would need from toothbrushes to makeup and set them on the Chaise Table. Prince got their hanging bags out of the closet while Bella stripped the bed and put the sheets in the laundry basket in the laundry room to be washed. Elaine came out of her room with her sheets which also went into the laundry basket. Bella knocked on the bodyguards door and reminded them to strip their beds too. A cleaning service would be coming in tomorrow to clean the house for the next tenants and would do the laundry. At precisely 7:00 AM Prince and Carlos were loading their bags into the SUV cargo bay . The bodyguards had already loaded theirs. At 7:15 AM they were in the air on the way to the VIP terminal at LAX. The ride was pleasant as there was little fog or smog this morning and the views were lovely as they flew over the Hills and into the city. They landed the AirCar at the VIP garage entrance and took the bags out and then Frank parked the vehicle. Taking their bags to the Cargo hold of the Corporate Jet, they greeted the attendants who took them to stow away, as they showed them their ID. The tour bus drove up just then and Prince and Carlos helped to unload the instruments as they greeted the band members. They then handed them off to the attendants to put into the Cargo hold on the plane. They sat down in the outdoor VIP seating area to wait until they were called to board. At about 9:15 a limousine pulled up and Christian and his wife got out and were greeted warmly by Prince, Carlos, the band and the girls. They would be be attending all three shows this time. Christian was very happy with the way the Album was performing and wanted to be around to see if they could push sales even higher. He would be thrilled if they got some Diamond record sales out of this first effort. The Album was that good and he knew it was possible. Frank and Melvin were already on board checking the plane. Frank came to the front door and gave the all clear sign. Christian grabbed a complementary LA Times and when the attendant gave the call to board, he and his wife went on first, Bella and Elaine went next and were followed by Prince, Carlos and the band. Larry and Ross were the last to board and they all stowed their carry-on bags in the overhead compartments and got settled. They buckled their seat belts, listened to the emergency evacuation instructions and chatted with each other as the plane began to taxi down the runway. At precisely 10:00 AM the plane became airborne. The flight would only take 35 minutes and they would be in the VIP terminal at 10:55 AM including taxi time. Bella had a window seat and Prince was sitting next to her looking over some notes. Elaine and Carlos were in the row right in front of them in the same seat positions. The flight was event-less which is the best kind and the landing was as smooth as butter. The attendants and the band, with the help of Carlos and Prince got the instruments off of the plane in record time. They all retrieved their bags and were on the bus provided by the venue at 11:45.

Another Chance Book I of IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora