Book III, Chapter 67, Miracles

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Princes's POV

Prince and Bella slept through the night oblivious to what was going on in the city of Paris.  They were only aware of the warmth of each other's bodies and the the closeness that they felt as they lay cocooned in their spoon position on the soft sheets of the beautiful Paris hotel that for tonight was home.  Prince's eyes opened slowly at 8:00 AM.  They were not due to fly until 3:00 PM which would get them into London at 4:30 PM.  As he became fully conscious, he noted that his Bella was still sleeping.  He smiled at the thought of her.  In a little while he knew she would be up bustling about getting them packed and ready for their flight.  She would watch what he ordered for their meal before they left wanting to be certain he was eating both healthy but with enough calories to keep his weight up.  She was always focused on his needs and what was best for him...he loved her so for that he thought as his smile grew even broader.  He moved slightly brushing his lips against her neck and her cheek and then got up to  take care of his morning business.  When he had finished washing his hands, he went and opened the door to their room and picked up the morning newspaper that lay just outside of it.  When they had booked their reservation, they had requested the English version of the paper daily.  He had learned that lesson the hard way in that when they had been here for New Year's Eve, they had received the French version which needless to say, neither of them could read. Carlos had been able to understand much of it however, as his native tongue and French had much in common.   Laying the paper on an end table, he returned to the bathroom to make coffee and then returned to the sitting room and opened the paper.  There was the normal news about things in the city on the front page, so he moved to the Entertainment section after scanning it.  Just before he moved to the Entertainment Section, he noted an article on a French Airlines flight that had developed some issues while attempting to land at Charles De Gaulle airport last night.  He decided to go back and read it after checking the Entertainment Section.   In big bold headline type was the question..."What was that golden glow on the stage at the end of the Royal Prince and the World Changers concert?  The story went on to report the effect that it had on the audience as they had offered 'Praises to the Creator' for almost an hour after it had appeared and surrounded the performers on stage.  It was also reported that the last flight into Paris that evening had been attempting to land around the time that the chanting was going on in the performance venue.  The plane experienced some difficulty with one of its engines which literally stopped operating.  As it did, some people on board had started shouting "Praise the Creator" repetitively.  Others joined in and as they did, it was said that some of the passengers looked out of the windows to see what looked like several angels on each side of the plane.  As they flew alongside, the plane stopped experiencing distress although the pilots later confirmed the engine did not ever restart.  They landed safely.  Both pilots had confirmed that they too saw angel like beings that appeared to be flying on both sides of the plane.  They also heard "Praise the Creator" being chanted both inside and also on the outside of the plane.  The angels had disappeared at the moment of the plane touching down on the runway.  At the time they had no way of knowing that the chant was also going on inside of Le Trianon.  That had been discovered by the night editors at the two news outlets in Paris as the stories were being reviewed for publication in the morning edition of the paper. "Uh oh" Prince thought...we need to get moving and get out of Paris.  He did not feel like answering questions about the relationship of their performance and this incident.  He got up and turned on Cloud Stream.  As he did, his phone rang.  He trotted into the bedroom to get it,  hoping to keep it from waking Bella and seeing that it was Carlos, he answered it.  "Prince are you seeing this", Carlos asked?  Prince had moved back into the sitting room and said "I just turned on Cloud Stream".  

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