Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again

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Paris Again

Prince's POV

The week had flown by. The meeting between Becca, Elaine and Bella had gone very well. Becca was excited about the work that Elaine had done on the screenplay and said so. She made some suggestions and Elaine assured her she would incorporate them into the work and they could be reviewed by next Tuesday with the new scenes she would present. The interview with Andrea had gone very well also. She had invited Elaine to come and Prince and Carlos went along too. Observing these types of interactions was part of the learning experience for these four as the time would come for each of them when they would be the objects of such deep probing. The four of them had agreed before the meeting that they would attend Andrea's wedding and Bella jokingly asked if this meeting could serve as the formal RSVP for the event. Andrea excitedly said it sure could. She knew that Jax would be as excited about them attending as she was. Prince had decided that he would give them a very special gift. He would sing Forever from the Prince Catalog for them at their reception. He would use his contacts to find out which band was playing and coordinate his "gift" through them. He had already asked Sidney, their keyboardist to tag along with them and to accompany him when he performed. He had always liked Jax and he was happy that Andrea had found a good man who would be a good husband. "Do you mind if I bring one of my band members"Prince asked? "Of course not", Andrea said. "Will he bring anyone". Sidney had just started dating a sweet girl so Prince said probably. No problem I will add two to the seating chart. After the interview they had gone home and worked on their individual projects until dinner time. Tomorrow was Saturday and they were meeting the realtor to see some new properties down farther South. They would see some in Balboa, Newport Beach and San Diego on Saturday and then some in Santa Monica on Sunday. Ross came home on Sunday and took on breakfast and lunch cooking duty. The girls were really stretched for time at this point and so they really appreciated the help.

Unfortunately, after looking at several homes, they did not find one that they felt anymore comfortable with than the one they were living in. Some had better security than the one they were in but the two that did were 9 and 11 million dollar homes and rent cost was totally insane. Prince was willing to spend the money to keep Bella safe, but Bella was not..."not for a rental" she had said. They were going to have to find other ways to secure themselves while in California...or look outside of beach territory. Bella was open to that idea but still not at such a ridiculous price for a rental. They would have to continue the search when they returned from Europe. While this did not make Christian happy, he understood and appreciated Bella's practicality.

The following week would be very busy once again. They had rehearsals Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2:00 PM and Bella would be interviewed on Tuesday on the LA Morning show and on Tuesday afternoon by the LA Times . In between on Tuesday, she would meet with Becca and Elaine on the screenplay at 10:00 AM. Thursday it would be Good morning LA and the Detroit Free Press. She had to be at the Studio on both mornings by 6:00 AM. Her interview segment would be 20 minutes and would begin both days at 7:00 AM. She had to be at Arista for the interviews both days at 11:30 AM as her interviews would be at Noon. However Tuesday she would be there at 10:00 AM for the already stated meeting with Becca. She would then have lunch with Christian, Prince, Carlos and Elaine and then head for home to rest and work on the script with Elaine. All of the interviews went well and she got great feedback from those that she did on Cloud Stream. The month went on in this way with more interviews and rehearsals and of course script meetings until the third week of June when Prince called a rehearsal everyday, Monday through Friday. During that same week they also had a final fitting of second set of performance clothes that Prince had ordered. As always they fit like a dream and were beautifully made. In the evenings Bella and Elaine were assembling the wardrobe they and their men would take to Europe. Once assembled,they would pack for the four of them. On Sunday before the beginning of last week of the month, Bella, Elaine and Prince and Carlos went to Mass at St. Brendan's Catholic Church in Los Angeles. They had a blessed time in the service and since Prince was not recognized until the end of the Mass as they sat in the back, they were able to just worship their Creator. Tomorrow would be the beginning of the last week of June. It would be incredibly busy from here until the end of summer, but incredibly rewarding as well. They and the band would fly to Paris tomorrow leaving at 12:00 Noon and arriving at 11:00 AM on Tuesday. They would rehearse in the venue space on Wednesday and Thursday and play on Friday and Saturday and head to London on Sunday. Bella and Elaine would work on the screen play on Monday on the plane, email the new part of the script to Becca as soon as they checked into their hotel on Tuesday. Their meeting would begin at 5:00 PM on Tuesday which was 9:00 AM California time. The girls would be tired and jet lagged but excited and would deliver for each meeting while they were on the road.

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