Book II-Chapter 4, Collaboration

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Prince's POV

Prince had arrived at the communal gathering place fully expecting to see Bella there also waiting for him. He didn't see her so he went inside to find her. As he walked in, he saw Amiir sitting at a table about mid-way into the building along with Denise. "Hi dad", he said. "Hi Amiir. Hi Denise". Has Bella gotten here yet"? " No not yet. But I am sure she will be along in a few minutes". "I think I will go back outside and wait for her". "I will go with you then", Amiir said. They went back outside and Amiir leaned up against the building. Prince, however, walked down the walkway until it ended at the sidewalk. He looked both ways up the sidewalk but clearly did not see her. He started back up the walkway. " I wonder where she is" he said to Amiir as he got closer to him. "I hope she is alright". "Dad, I am sure she is fine and will be along in just a few minutes". Prince began to pace and walked down the walkway to the sidewalk again and then turned around and started back toward the building. He was extremely agitated and became more so by the minute. " I hope nothing has happened to her", he said as much to himself as to Amiir. Where could she be. I think I should go look for her". "Dad, relax. She is fine. This is not Detroit or Chicago, it is Paradise and while I can understand you might be worried if you were back on earth, you don't need to be here. She will here. I promise she will". Amiir said. Prince didn't say anything. He just walked back down to the sidewalk. As he got down there and looked up the sidewalk a little ways and saw Bella and Mary chatting as they approached the building. He ran up to meet her. "Are you alright" he asked gathering her into an embrace. Bella said yes Prince I am fine. As he held her close, she could feel his heart beating extremely fast. Mary smiled and said I will see you inside and joined Amiir and went inside with him. Prince stood there hugging Bella for a little longer and as he did, his heart rate began to lessen and to mimic the beat of Bella's own heart. "I was so worried about you". "I am sorry baby, but I am honestly fine. We just left our meeting a little later than I thought we would". As he broke the embrace she could see tears in his eyes although he tried to prevent her from doing so. "Baby I am sorry if my running late worried you". "No, its okay" he said. "You are here now and you are okay". Prince took her hand and lead her into the dining room. They sat down and enjoyed a really good meal and chatted with each other throughout dinner. That is all but Denise. She was quiet and almost sullen and both Amiir and Bella observed her looking at Prince covertly once again when she thought no-one would notice. Bella would speak with Mary about this again. It was really making her uncomfortable. Mary, however had noticed too and had decided to keep a much closer eye on Denise. Something was off about her and this behavior and she needed to understand what. After dinner, they hugged one another and went to their own places of residence. Prince however walked Bella home and when they got there he pulled her to him and hugged her again.

"Bella" he said. "Come sit with me. I want to share something that I am working on. I have been working on a piece of music that the Universe is insistent that I write. It is going to be sung only by the Angels as part of a larger Worship Suite. It will be wrapped inside of another song that I wrote many years ago as a form of Praise for the Creator, who made all of our souls and everything else in this and all of the other Universes. I have titled it Creation Song. I want to start a Dance ministry that would also be a part of this worship experience and would perform at other times as well...not at every service but certainly at Special times like Christmas and Eastertide. I wanted to ask if you would help me in creating a Dance Ministry to participate in this new Worship Suite? "I am also planning to have an ensemble and would love your participation in that as well". Bella looked at Prince and for a moment said nothing. Collaboration was not something that Prince had been known for during his lifetime. He liked to be in control and the very nature of collaboration required that you surrender some of that to others. "Prince, are you asking me to collaborate with you on one of your works"? "Yes Bella. I want you to collaborate with me on everything I do from now on in some manner. You are my eternal companion, the one that was made for me. Your input is important to me...and to us and the life we will live together". "In that case, I would be honored to help with the Dance Ministry. I actually think that by starting one, it will increase the number of souls that participate in Worship. When do plan to introduce Creation Song", she asked? I have to get Jesus's approval, but if he grants it I want to introduce it in about 60 days". "Wow" she said. "I know that is ambitious, but I feel that the time frame is important for some reason", Prince said. Bella thought for a moment and then said, it is do-able but with auditions and selection, choreography, teaching the choreography, planning and getting the costumes made, it will be best to keep the original numbers of the troupe small. We can and probably should expand it after the introduction of the new Suite however". Prince pulled Bella into his lap and said, "I love the way you are willing to support what I do". Bella smiled and said, "and I love you Prince with my whole heart". He kissed her lightly on her lips and then pressed his tongue to the center of those lips as if asking permission to enter her mouth. She opened it and he touched the tip of her tongue with his own and his member immediately unfurled and he felt a level of passion and desire unknown to him before. Holy God he wanted to make love to this woman. He kissed her some more and then said, "Bella, I cannot tell you how much I enjoy being with you You make me feel so much with the way you talk with and to me. You are so very comforting to my weary soul. I cannot remember ever feeling so much with anyone in the past and I need for you to know that. I feel safe with you", he said almost in a whisper.

Bella did not say anything for some time and then she said, "Prince, you are the smartest man that I have ever known. Yes I know, as did the entire world that you are clearly a musical genius. But your genius is not limited to music. I admired your creativity in finding a way to bring your music to market when you left Warner Brothers. Using the internet was not only highly innovative, but also the product of razor sharp logic . In a word, it was brilliant and new and took the entire world by surprise. You have done so many new and original things since I became aware of your existence. Intellect has always been a huge turn on for me, Prince. I can honestly say that long before we ever met, I had fallen in love with not only your sensuousness but also with your amazing mind. It is one of the ways that I knew that I truly loved you the man and not just you the musician. Prince's eyes were so soft when she looked into them and he said Bella, I love you...I truly love you and began kissing her again. His member was fully engorged and had become so as she spoke to him. He loved the way her bottom felt in contact with his hard and huge dick. He stood up and pulled her to him and rubbed it against her a little and found himself moaning at how good it felt to do so with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes when he realized what he was doing and kissing her on her cheek said I need to go now...and with a thought was gone. Bella sat down on the sofa for a moment and thought Holy Father,, my, my!

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