Book III-Chapter 109, Confronting Evil

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Frank's POV

Frank had stayed in bed far longer than normal, enjoying the comfort of his wife and her kisses. She had finally gotten up and said she was going to make breakfast and would call him when it was ready. Their sons would be off to the gym with friends this morning to play basketball. One of their buddies dad's was taking them to the game they had cooked up with some kids from a rival school. Frank laid there for a few more minutes trying to remember what had been bothering him when he closed down his research last night. He got up and went into the bathroom, showered and was shaving when it came to him. How was Gretchen so out of tune with Prince and what he liked? Anyone who spent even 30 minutes with him knew that while he was cooperative...he ran his show. He listened to Bella and often agreed with her on some of her points on how they might approach things, but ultimately, he made the final decision. He knew it and so did she and she totally accepted that about him and how he was as a man. It was one of the primary reasons why they got along so well. He had softened over time he would have said, but he was still very much an Alpha male. Gretchen appeared to be the kind of woman that wanted to control her man. That would never happen with Royal Prince Anderson. It was almost like she knew that, but was going to try to force him into submission to her. Was she really that stupid that she thought she could succeed at such a thing with him? Frank laughed out loud at the thought. Why did this bother him so much, he asked himself, but really did not have an answer. Frank finished dressing and went down to breakfast with his family. He decided last night when told about the game to go watch the first half since his sons were playing. He was on the road a lot but always tried to be there for his boys when he was home. He, Larry and Melvin would ride to David's place together to escort the 4 to their rehearsal, but they would attend the game first. He had called Larry and told him his plans last night. Larry said he would join his brothers to watch his nephews play and would pick them up at his house at 10:00 AM. The game started at 10:30. The boys were thrilled that their dad and uncles were coming to watch at least part of the game. The game would clear Frank's head and he would be able to apply himself to this research far more efficiently afterwards.

Ray's POV

Ray had run some errands to dispel his nervous energy as he waited to find out the results of the analysis on the chocolates. At 11:45 AM he returned to the lab and his friend told him that the chocolates contained a very ancient type of poison, a very potent cyanide. It became known around 331 BC. In small doses it would cause great stomach and intestinal discomfort and could kill over the course of several days. In large amounts it could do the same in just 2-3 hours. In both instances the deaths were very painful. Ray felt his anger rise and knew that he had to kill this being who would plan to inflict such a death on Prince's Bella. He thought through the plan he had shared with Prince, Carlos and his bodyguards. He felt inside his jacket pocket and was comforted by the cool feeling of the 9 plastic vials in it. He had got the vials from an apothecary in the small Detroit China town and had filled them with holy water at a Chinese Catholic church before returning to the lab. He prayed for God's grace and guidance as he hurried back to the lab. His friend had explained that the formula used in the chocolates would have brought death in roughly 9-10 days from just one chocolate unless the antidote was given in the first 48 hours. It was slow moving but would cause great pain as it did. Yes this demon had to go! He left the lab asking that they destroy the chocolates that remained and headed back to his house to grab his bags and say his goodbyes to Jeannette and the children. He would meet the others at David's house having Jeannette drive him there.

Bella and Elaine were sitting in the family room waiting for the guys. It was 12:45 PM and Frank and his brothers had arrived about 15 minutes ago and Ray had been right behind them. They had waved to Jeannette and the boys from the window of the living room when she dropped Ray off. The girls were escorted out to the garage with their totes that contained the clothes they would change into after rehearsal over their shoulders. They were wearing one of the practice outfits. Prince and Carlos had totes for the same reason. They climbed into the SUV and Frank carefully backed it out of the six car garage and took to the air. Ray took the 20 minute drive to tell the four and their security what the lab analysis had found. He had been right; they were dealing with a very old demon and between what he knew and what Frank shared from his research, he thought that it was probably the demon known as Lilith. The only question now was, were they dealing with Lilith directly or had Lilith possessed this girl Gretchen and was using her body? If so, they had to get her out. If she remained in much longer, she would burn the body out and be looking for a new victim to possess. Ray sat in quiet but intense thought for the last 5 minutes of the drive. This would not be an easy one to deal with. She was one of the original evil ones in the world and also one of the most wily. "Michael" he said in his mind. "Yes Ray". "I need your help, I think we are up against the demon Lilith". "Good discernment Ray...that is exactly who you are up against. I and a host of Warrior Angels are here to help you". "Thank you Michael", Ray said telepathically. Bella and Prince had heard the conversation with Michael and instinctively Prince had pulled Bella closer to him. In thought Prince asked Ray, "what do you need me to do"? "Just stick to the plan" Ray said "and of course be in prayer to the Father". Bella lifted one of Prince's hands to her lips and said "pray and just stick to the plan" in thought. As they arrived at The Stork, they saw that the bus was already there and none of the band members were in the garage. As they entered the stage area they saw their band mate friends sitting down at some of the tables drinking hot tea and that the instruments were in place on the stage. They greeted them with hugs and Prince said "we are going to put our things in the dressing rooms and then we will get started". As they started down the stairs to the dressing rooms, Ray got a whiff of sulfur. Looking up and to his left, he saw a woman in a tight red dress and literally heard her gasp. He heard her thoughts as she said, 'this can't be. That looks like Bella down there'. Prince and Bella heard her too. Bella responded in thought, knowing that Gretchen could not hear her but said..."eat that you piece of crap from hell." While downstairs, once out of Gretchen's view, Ray handed each of the 4 and their security a vial containing the holy water and then they waited for a few minutes while the 4 hung up their clothes and then they prayed and headed back upstairs to begin rehearsing. Lilith had left the area overlooking the stairs and gone to her office. Prince and the rest of the 4 and their security had returned to the stage and Prince had handed them the set list and within minutes cued the first track for the set. The band heard the familiar on the 1 and began playing the first song of the set, Strollin'.

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