Book II-Chapter 2, The Arrival Bella's POV

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The Arrival

Bella's POV

Bella found the music to be very moving as they worshipped the Creator. She also found Prince's voice mesmerizing and Amiir also sang beautifully. Jesus stood with his arms outstretched toward the congregants and was bathed in the blue-white light she had noticed earlier. So, she could see Jesus, but the Creator was only seen as light and the Holy Sprit whom she could feel, could only be felt, but not seen. She had noticed that both Michael and Uriel were engaged in the singing worship too. Who would have ever thought that she would sing with the Angels and with Prince by her side. It was almost unbelievable. She was so happy she could not speak. The Colors in the temple were so incredible they almost defied description. They were positioned like rainbows with different hues in a rainbow arc in different sections of the Temple. As the music would gain intensity, or volume, the Colors would also intensify and when very high notes were hit as Prince was doing now, the Colors would actually shimmer. So beautiful Bella thought. As worship came to an end, Prince took her hand and led her to an area right outside of the Temple where there were several picnic like tables and bench seats. They sat on a bench on one side and Amiir sat on the other. "Bella you are so beautiful", Prince said. "Thank you" and you Prince remain the most beautiful man in a thousand worlds. Bella said. She then realized that she had spoken a truth that she had said (and believed) forever and was very embarrassed by it. She dropped her head hiding her eyes from Prince. He lifted her chin and said "oh Bella, please never be embarrassed by what you think or feel about me. You have no idea how much I want and need to hear your thoughts and feelings". I am growing stronger inside already because you care and appreciate me so much. Thank you". Bella looked at Prince with her eyes welling with tears...Prince said, " Don't be embarrassed by those either. They are happy tears and the only kind you are likely to experience here in Paradise. He drew her close into a hug. Amiir started to glow as he was so happy for his dad. " I am surprised your guide is not here yet, but I am certain she will be shortly", Amiir said. As he spoke Prince noticed a very regal looking woman moving in their direction. Looking more closely he saw that is was Mary, the Mother of Jesus. As she walked past the congregants, many smiled and nodded, others made the sign of the Cross. She approached Bella and Prince and said "hello, Bella, I am going to be your guide for awhile". Standing right behind her was Denise Matthews. Mary said, "this is Denise and she is going to also be helping with your acclimation to Paradise". Prince tightened his grip on Bella's hand instinctively, although he did not know why. He was humbled, as the Mother of his Lord and Savior was to counsel Bella personally. But he was also surprised at Denise's involvement. He decided though that the Creator knew best and decided to trust in that. Well I think that we need to show Bella to her lodgings, Mary said. Prince was very reluctant to say goodnight so soon, and Bella could feel it in his touch. She looked at him forming the question about Denise...was this Vanity? He shook his head yes. Wow Bella thought. Mary said, I promise Prince you may see her tomorrow. Amiir said Mary if it is okay with you might we all meet at the Communal Gathering Area tomorrow for breakfast? Mary said that would be nice. Let us meet then. Prince leaned in and kissed Bella on her cheek and also kissed her hand. Mary and Amiir smiled, but Amiir noticed Denise dropped her head and looked down at her lap. Mary noticed too. Bella said to Prince, after so long a waiting time, tomorrow sounds wonderful to me. As they stood, Prince pulled Bella toward him in a hug and whispered I will dream of you tonight in her ear. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. With a thought Mary, Bella, and Denise were gone. They were standing on the porch of a cute little cottage. Mary said this is where you will be staying. They entered and Bella's heart leaped. The walls were painted lavender throughout the cottage with the exception of the kitchen. As she moved toward it she saw that it had off-white walls with black and white fixtures, zebra accents in the pillows and in the backsplash just as her own kitchen had been. The eating table would seat 6 and was black. She looked at the bedrooms and saw that there were two, with a sitting room off of the Master bedroom that contained a vanity and bench, a small writing table with a chair and a overstuffed chair with an ottoman with a small magazine and book caddy next to it. The furniture was in a white wood and the cushions were in silver and purple. The living room followed the same theme. It was a charming place to live and Bella thanked Mary for it. The three sat down in the living room and Bella said I have so many questions. Mary said "we will try to answer them but before we do, can you answer one for me? "Of course" Bella said. "Are you hungry" Mary asked? She had not thought about it but now that she did she had to admit she was. Like Prince had before her, she asked Mary "do we eat, sleep and bathe in Paradise"? Like Amiir, Mary laughed and said yes. Only the Creator, the Holy Spirit and the Angels do not sleep or bathe, However, Angels and Jesus enjoy a good meal too. Denise and I will go and get some food, why don't you shower and relax a bit. Just think about the things that you need and they will appear. If you hear voices when you get out of the shower it will just be us.

Bella went into the bathroom and thought about lavender shower gel, soap and shampoo and the same in Vanilla. She also thought about clothes and went to the closet to find 3 lovely floral dresses, one in lavender tones, one in grey and silver tones and one in a pale green and yellow tone. She also found three pairs of slacks in Purple, Grey and Ivory. Opening the drawers she found silk shells in the same colors and 3 V-necked form fitted silk tops also in the same colors. There were matching shoes for each outfit. Another drawer held 2 silk gowns in sky blue and ivory, 2 pairs of silk pajamas in purple and ivory and a The satin sleep shirt was in emerald green. There was an Ivory silk robe in the drawer as well. Another drawer held underwear. Going back into the bathroom she found clips and ribbons to match all her outfits, a comb and brush and toothbrushes and tooth paste. She turned on the shower opening the linen cabinet to discover very plush towels, hand towels and washcloths in Lavender and Grey. Bella felt totally at home. She stepped into the shower and enjoyed the warmth of the water running over her skin.

She dried off put on lotion, towel dried her hair and pulled it back into a clip and put on the purple pajamas and followed voices into the kitchen . There was a three bean salad, macaroni salad, sliced fruit and cheese and hot rolls. The three women ate after Mary blessed the food answered some of Bella's questions. She asked, "what is the role of a guide"? Mary had said that it was kind of like a coach. It was a person who helped to acclimate you to Paradise but also assisted in learning whatever things the Creator thought important to the role you were to play in the kingdom. Bella then asked if it was unusual for a new soul to have two guides? Mary said it was not common but happened often enough under special circumstances. "Special circumstances" Bella asked? You are the eternal companion to a soul whose work is very important to the Creator and to Jesus. You are being prepared to return to earth and It is therefore important that you receive appropriate training. "My role" Mary said, will primarily be to work with you on the vow you made to the Creator. It pleased Him greatly and is most important to Him that it be fulfilled. Denise will be working with you on some of the more common earth bound issues. " I see" Bella said. She thanked the ladies for the delicious meal. Denise took the dishes over to the sink and began to wash them. "I can do that" Bella said. "No problem" Denise said. Those were the only words she had spoken to Bella all evening. As the final dishes went into the drainer, Mary said "well, I think that is enough for tonight. We will have breakfast together at the Communal Gathering Place. Sleep well Bella". "Goodnight", Denise said and with a thought they were both in their own homes. Bella turned out the light in the kitchen and went into the bedroom. She dried her hair a little so that it would not be frizzy in the morning and then kneeled by her bed to pray. Thank you for bringing me home safely Father and for honoring my request to be with Prince. Please help me to comfort him and love him as he needs to be loved and to assist him in all that he needs me to. Help me to be pleasing to him and if possible for him to desire to be the same to me. Please watch over and protect my daughter and grandchildren always and guide them along only righteous paths. Help me to accomplish all that your great trust in me requires as you have entrusted me with companionship to one of your greatest creations. I promise to work to be worthy of that trust. Thank you Lord and Amen.

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