Book II-Chapter 11, Residual Feelings-Denise's POV

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Residual Feelings

Denise's POV

Denise's mother had heard what sounded like crying. She thought to herself that one of the students must have hit a wall in the training. But she heard no other sounds other than the crying itself. As a matter of fact it was so quiet that she thought perhaps the students were gone. She walked to the front of the house to the classroom area and going in saw Denise crying with her head on her desk. She went in and said gently to her daughter putting her hand on her shoulder, "Denise what's wrong", ? Denise's response was "nothing". "Denise" her mother said? Oh...ok. I saw Prince at the Communal Gathering Place when the class and I went there for lunch. I knew, I would run into him and Bella eventually again even though Mary has not had me start any training yet with Bella. I just didn't know it would upset me like it did. "Why Denise; what did he say"? "He didn't say anything. He did not see me", Denise said. "Then why are you crying Denise", her mother asked honestly confused. "Mom, he looked so happy. I can never recall seeing Prince look so happy and content with a woman. He held her hand when they walked in and he got up and went around the table to sit next to her rather than across from her and held her hand again while they selected their food. He rarely took his eyes off of her and he never stopped smiling. He was never like that with me." "Denise are you saying that you are upset with Prince because he is happy with Bella"? "Well yes. It is not fair". "What" her mother responded? "I want him to be like that with me", Denise said. "Denise, her mother counseled, you need to leave this alone. This is not some little girl on earth that you are competing with for a boyfriend. This is an Eternal Companion made by the Creator himself specifically for Prince. You do not want to try to insert your self into the middle of that. Prince loved me once Mom, and I think I can make him love me again. Denise! Listen to yourself. You have made a vow of Eternal Celibacy for good reason. Further, if Prince loved you he had a strange way of showing it. He was never faithful to you or any other woman he was with on earth that we know of. Have you thought about why that is? You were not there Mom, he did love me. He was just young and chasing a bunch of other women. We would have been okay if it were not for that. Denise, you need to get a grip on yourself. He wasn't just young he was looking for the woman that he is with now, the one that was made for him. You could get yourself into serious trouble...the quality and nature of your own Eternal Life could be effected. Think about that Denise". Denise got a look on her face that her mother had seen a million times since she was a young girl. It said she was done listening and was going to do what she wanted to do. Her mother turned around and walked toward the kitchen. There was something wrong with the way that Denise was thinking but she clearly was not willing to let her mother help her gain any clarity. On her way into the kitchen she said out loud "Lord, please forgive my child. Help her and do not condemn or abandon her please sweet Jesus". She entered the kitchen , sat down at the table and began to pray earnestly for her daughter.

Bella knocked on Mary's door and was invited in and offered a cup of tea from the tea service on the coffee table. It smelled divine and was a Peppermint variety. Tasting it she noticed she did not need to add anything to it. She asked Mary the name of the tea and was told it was called Paradise Peppermint. Mary asked her about her day, specifically how her first Walk with Jesus had gone. Bella said it was wonderful and that they had spoken of many things. Jesus had been kind and given her some directions. She was still processing all that they had discussed but she was certain that the time they would be spending together would be most helpful. She told Mary that the plans for the new musical Suite were moving ahead quickly and although she would be really busy she was looking forward to being a part of it and making a contribution. Mary then asked if she was ready to do some role play. Bella said "yes".

Okay Mary said. I want you to picture yourself sitting on the sofa at your home and kissing Prince. He begins to kiss you more aggressively and allows his hands to begin to wander placing them on your breast and starts caressing it. What will you do or say? I would break off the kiss and say 'Prince, please stop'. Now what would you do or say if he didn't stop. Bella thought about it and said, 'I would gently take his hand off of my breast and say Prince I asked you to stop'. And if he still didn't and became more aggressive. Again she thought about the scenario in her mind and said, I would stand up and tell him 'Prince, I love you, but you are making me uncomfortable and I am going to have to suggest you leave and cool down. We can talk tomorrow'. I would then walk to the door and open it. "That is exactly right Bella" Mary said. Do not remain in his presence if he is not honoring your requests of this nature. That is like rewarding him for bad behavior and can be very confusing for a man. Great work! I will have some more practice scenarios for you tomorrow. Bella do I sense that you have something else you want to talk to me about? "Yes",Bella said. She then told Mary how she had observed Denise furtively watching Prince again today. This time at the Communal Gathering Place. Mary asked her what happened. Bella said they had gone their for lunch to celebrate and discuss the successful meeting with the Angels today. Whitney and Bobbi Kristina and stopped by their table on the way out to say Hi. Prince had stood and introduced them to Bella. She said that is when she became aware of Denise watching covertly. Mary knew this was going to have to be addressed before it got our of hand. She told Bella, "as we have discussed, do not invest your energy into this. You have Prince's love and although there is not a guarantee that he will not error, it would cause him a great deal of pain if he broke his eternal companionship role with you. It is not uncommon for eternal companions to avoid inappropriate pursuit very aggressively because they fear the pain of loss of their companions so deeply. Did you know that a piece of Prince's soul was woven into yours at the time of your creation to help you to understand him"? "No I did not know that", said Bella. "You are just beginning to become aware of your power as an eternal companion. Just stay focused on doing what you should and all will come to be as it should. What are you doing this evening". "We will have dinner and then go to Worship". "Well enjoy each other and I will see you at worship".

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