Book III-Chapter 101, Key West

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Bella's POV

Wednesday morning, Bella woke up before the alarm went off and lay there thinking about all that had transpired in the last 48 hours. They had a monster film on their hands which was mind boggling, Prince's album was still flying high on the charts and all indications were that it would continue to do so. The book Another Chance remained on the New York Times Best Sellers list and showed no signs of slowing down and the rewards from it all were huge. It was really quite overwhelming and so she was glad that they were leaving today for Key West. She had never been there although she had been to Florida with her parents and on tour. She was really looking forward to some time with Prince when he wasn't so focused on the work as they had been in recent months. The four of them had worked really hard and they deserved some downtime. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:30 AM. Their flight would leave at 12:15 PM and arrive in Chicago at 7:15 Eastern Standard Time. They would only be on the ground long enough for the band to get off and unload the instruments and get them on the tour bus for Sidney to take to his home. They would then take off for Detroit and would and pick up Ray Burgess and his family and then fly to Key West arriving at about 9:15 PM. She turned over and looked at Prince. He was sleeping like a baby. Once he had finally come to terms with all that was going on with the film and its rewards with the help of his loving Savior, he felt better but his body needed the restorative power of sleep and rest. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and got up. Going into the bathroom, she got her robe off of the hook behind the door, did her morning routine and headed for the kitchen.

She clearly was the first up this morning and so put the coffee on while enjoying the quiet of the house before others were up. Bella sat down at the table and turned on the Cloud Stream. Good Morning America-the replay was just coming on. The host, Peter Cummings was talking to his co-host, Anita Cromwell about Another Chance, the film and how incredibly well it was doing. He had some footage that they were going to play from a showing that had occurred last night. It was focused on some of those that had attended as they were coming out of the movie theater and would play right after the commercial. The coffee pot alert went off letting her know it was ready. She got up and poured a cup and dressed it while she listened to the commentary and ignored the 30 second commercial.

Prince's POV

The show continued and the current shot was of Peter Cummings talking to a young couple that were exiting the Theater. "So what did you think"? "It was amazing", the man said. The music scenes were crazy. This Royal Prince dude is the real deal." "He is hot too" the young woman said. "And so sexy." Her boyfriend smiled and said..."yeah and so is Bella and that Elaine too. I will go to see it again just to watch those two". "Thank you", Peter said and moved quickly to three young women. "So did you enjoy the film"? "Yes" one of them who was wearing an Another Chance T Shirt with picture of The Royal Prince on it. " It was a wonderful film. Royal is the finest man I have ever seen. I would do him in a second". "You realize he is engaged right"? "Yeah, but he ain't married yet. Hey Royal, I'm available" she said as she pulled up her T shirt to show her size D cups and shook them. The camera quickly panned away. Bella looked at the woman and started laughing..."lady you really don't know my Prince". Looking up she saw Prince standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face. " Morning baby" she said. He moved toward her, pulled her out of her chair and hugged her and then kissed her passionately. "Morning Bella", he said in his deep morning voice. Smiling Bella poured him a cup of coffee and dressed it. As Prince sat down at the table she said, "The lady there said that she's available Prince". "Yeah I saw" he said. "I prefer my woman to be a lady in I don't think I will be asking her for her number". "Oh you"! Bella said giggling and kissed him on the top of his head. "What would you like for breakfast"? "Truth be told, I would like me some Bella Ala Nude, but I know we have a lot to do to get out of here, so, I will wait on that". Bella smiled and shook her head. Ross walked in and greeted them. "So what would you like to eat this morning. It should be filling, because they won't serve lunch on the plane until a little after 1:00 PM", he said. Prince said "Waffles man and some of those breakfast meats you do too". "And some Cantaloupe slices with chopped fruit on top...and some eggs", added Bella. "Sounds great", Prince said. "I'll chop the fruit", he said. "I will cut the Cantaloupe", Bella chimed in. "And I will set the table" , Elaine said as she and Carlos walked into the kitchen. "I will do the eggs", Carlos said. Everybody stopped and looked at him. "Uh baby, why don't you set the table and I will do the eggs", Elaine said. "Great idea" Prince said laughing. "Hey I can make eggs", Carlos said. "Uh huh, maybe next time", Elaine said. Carlos mumbled something under his breath but went to the cabinet and started getting the dishes down to set the table. They all got busy and in record time before they knew it, Ross was using the intercom to call the Security team for breakfast. They sat down and Prince said the grace. "Father, thank you for this food and for the cooperative spirit that exists within all these that live in this house. Please grant us traveling grace today as we go to a much needed vacation. Keep us safe on our trip and please bring us home safely too , relaxed and ready to do your will. In Jesus name, Amen"! They dug into the wonderful meal and enjoyed each other's company while they ate. When they had finished, Frank and Larry took cleanup duty while the four went to dress and check their bags to make certain they had everything. Both Bella and Prince dressed in all white. Bella wore an above the knee sleeveless, cotton blend white dress with a matching jacket and white sandals. Prince wore white cotton/silk blend pants with a matching white pull over tunic with silver braid on the collar and white sandals also . Carlos and Elaine wore similar outfits in pale yellow.

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