Book III-Chapter 123, Little Swimmers

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Prince's POV

Prince woke up well before his alarm went off. He reached over to the nightstand, and picking up his phone, turned the alarm off so that it would not sound and wake Bella. Looking over at her, she was a vision of gentle beauty. She was laying on her back, and her lovely long hair was spread out behind her, covering the pillow and extending beyond it onto the bed. As he admired her, she smiled. Whatever she was dreaming about was pleasant, and it showed on her face. He got up and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He did his morning routine and then dressed in the jeans and long sleeve sweatshirt he had hung on the hook on the door before he went to bed last night. He came out fully dressed except for his shoes. He slipped into the loafers beside the bed and, grabbing his phone, went to the kitchen. It was 6:05 AM on June 8, 2218...their second wedding anniversary. On the first one, they were on tour to support the 2nd Album and had spent it exhausted in a Prague hotel room after a performance. It was worth it, though, as the Album had won the Grammy for Best Sophmore Album, and the song Your Love Heals won for Song of the Year. This year he wanted to spend it at home with his beautiful bride, but that did not mean he wouldn't make the night special. He had a French meal catered in for just the two of them and would open a fantastic Champagne. He also had ordered a sexy negligee for her to wear and a lovely piece of jewelry. But the real present was a two week getaway to Crete, Greece in July. He would let her pick the exact dates. The country was known to be one of the most naturally beautiful on earth and remained one of the safest. He thought she would enjoy that. He had been working on an update of one of his favorite songs ever written, and he would play it for her tonight. He was looking forward to this evening. He wanted it to be a true celebration of the love he had for his most amazing wife, Bella. Entering the kitchen, he made coffee, poured himself a cup, and headed out to the Studio through the breezeway. He wanted to put the finishing touches on the song!

Bella's POV

Bella woke slowly this morning. She became aware of outside sounds as she became fully conscious. She heard a bird singing and instinctively knew it was the Robin that had built a nest on the overhang above the kitchen door to the patio and was tending to her eggs. Prince had wanted to move the nest, but Bella insisted that they let it be and just be sure to close the door when they went in and out gently. Soon there would be baby Robins chirping to be fed, and that made Bella happy!

Bella had come off of birth control three months ago, but the doctor had told them that they needed to use another non-chemical form for 90 days to ensure all of the contraceptive chemicals were out of Bella's system. While she could get pregnant right away if they took no precautions, contraceptive chemicals are associated with specific congenital disabilities in children. Prince had volunteered to use a rubber until they had cleared the 90-day point. While it limited his sensitivity, it made no difference in his desire for his sweet woman. It blew him away how she kept him almost in a constant state of arousal if he was near her. Bella stretched and yawned. Today was her second anniversary, and Prince had told her to make no plans for this evening. When she had asked what he was up to, he just smirked. She got up, went into the bathroom, showered, dressed, and then went looking for Prince and coffee. The coffee aroma told her that he or Ross, who was on duty last night, had made some of the lovely, aromatic brew, but neither was in the kitchen. There was a note on the counter from Ross saying there was some breakfast quiche in the warmer for them and another from Prince that said, Morning Mama. I am in the studio. Call me after you eat! Bella poured herself a large glass of Orange juice, pulled the quiche out of the warmer, set a place for herself at the breakfast bar, and ate the delicious meal. Pouring herself another cup of coffee, she put the dishes into the dishwasher and pulled her cell out of her sweater pocket, and called her Prince. He picked up on the second ring. "Morning, baby," he said. "Happy anniversary". "Goodmorning sweet Prince. What are you doing?." "I was just working on some stuff. I am finished now, though." "I'll be in shortly." "Okay, babe." Turning on the Cloudstream unit, she listened to the news awhile until he came inside. She heard him close the door to the breezeway and smiled when he entered the kitchen. Walking over to her, he kissed her on the forehead. "Would you like some more coffee?" "No, thanks. But I would like some Orange juice." "Okay." Bella got the Orange juice back out and poured him a glass. "So what do you have up for today, Mama"? I will do some laundry, and then Elaine and I will go to Winkleman's. "Uh oh," Prince said, laughing. I better hide the charge cards." "Oh, you," she said as she playfully punched him on the arm. "So what are you looking to buy"? Well, I need a couple of casual summer dresses and some slacks and tops. "Hmmm...maybe Carlos and I can come along"? Bella smiled widely and said, "that would be great." Prince called Carlos and asked if he wanted to go with the ladies shopping. Carlos shouted, "Hey, Elaine, can Prince and I go shopping with you and Bella." In the background, Prince heard Elaine say, "that would be fun. " "So when do we leave," Carlos asked? "What time Bella," Prince asked? Looking at the clock, Bella said, "at 1:00 PM." They had two hours. Bella went and gathered the clothes she needed to wash and put a load in. She only had two and would be finished in plenty of time. Returning to the bedroom, she made the bed and picked out a dress to wear shopping. Prince headed back to the studio, where Carlos joined him. Prince played the arrangement of Let's Have a Baby, which he had recorded for Bella for Carlos' feedback. "Man, that is hot," Carlos said! "That has to be on the next album." "I thought that too," Prince responded. Prince pressed two copies of the song and handed one to Carlos. For your evening tonight. Carlos snickered and said, "thanks, man." Prince then started looking for another piece that he had worked on recently, Friend, Lover, Sister, Mother, Wife, and finally, a new one called Without You. As Carlos listened to the two additional songs, he could see that Prince was on a new path. He was creating a love song format. "Man, that sounds like the making of a love song Album." Prince smiled and said, "exactly." "Man, the new song is smooth," Carlos added. "Praise the Creator," Prince said, pointing at the ceiling. "Praise the Creator," Carlos repeated. The two men talked more about the Love Theme Prince was working on for a new project. Carlos had some ideas swirling around in his head. They would explore them soon. But now, it was 12:30 PM. The men returned to their homes to change clothes and take their wives shopping.

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