Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 40, The Project

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The Project

Prince's POV

The SUV traveled back to Prince and Carlos's residence without incident. It had been an incredible day filled with signs and wonders of the Creator's power. The day had touched the minds and hearts of several people who would play critical, interesting roles in the future of these brave and loving young people and the Creator's plan that would drive them until the end of their lives. But all of that was way in the future at this moment. Right now a physically and emotionally weary Prince desperately wanted and needed the comfort and attention of his lovely Bella to help to replenish his soul. He wanted to hold her and be held by her and reconnect to the most important human element of who he was. He needed to reconnect to the man who lived to love Bella and he needed to know that she lived to love him too. It was not that he had forgotten; it was that with all of the weight of the Universe working through the Creator's design, that which fueled him was depleted...and it was love for and from Bella and the making of the music that fueled him. As Frank opened the garage and secured it, the couples waited for the house to be cleared. Ross and Melvin remained with them as Frank and Larry checked their home. With the all clear called, Melvin and Ross followed their charges into the house. It was almost 4:45 PM and tired or not, Bella and Elaine needed to figure out what to feed their men and their security detail. They sat in the living room together and turning on Cloud Stream out of curiosity as to what had gone on in the world today, began to talk about dinner. Frank said, "please let me take care of dinner tonight. This has been a really busy, crazy period of time for you all and you need a break. What would you like to eat"? Carlos piped up and said" Bar-B-Que. Perhaps some old fashioned BBQ chicken and slaw, green beans and potato salad with yeast rolls", he added. "Yeast rolls are bad for you", Prince said. "Yup they are...but only if we eat them a lot and we don't" Carlos said laughing. Prince liked the BBQ idea, but said he would be having plain old sliced wheat bread with his meal thank you very much and oh...some Pecan Pie. Bella and Elaine watched the exchange between the men in their lives and smiling just shook their heads. They were, however fine with the food choice. Frank called their favorite BBQ place, Conroy's and placed their order for the food that would be served family style, including 2 Pecan Pies. Prince said better make that three to which Bella cracked we go again she thought. The food would be delivered in about 30 minutes. The entire household sat in the living room chatting when all of a sudden a news story on Cloud Stream got Prince's attention. "Mama, turn that up please". Bella turned up the volume with the remote. They had not yet taken the time to program the system to each of their thought patterns, but would soon. They were watching News at 6:00 PM on LA 1273.

The mysterious peace that has quietly and consistently moved across our Nation is continuing to do so. It has been identified that on the East Coast several new cities are reporting that no new cases of violence or murder have been reported at all today. Among them are the cities of Boston, Cambridge, Springfield and Salem in Massachusetts, Portland Maine, Hartford Connecticut and Providence Rhode Island, as well as Burlington Vermont. Newark, Trenton, and Patterson, New Jersey were also reporting no crime. Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois had also come up on the radar as being crimeless so far today along with several of their suburbs. These two cities have seen that happen before about 4-5 years ago but the crime had gradually returned although to lesser levels than previously. The White House has called for the Senate and House to do a bipartisan study to identity what is bringing all of this good news about. President Tunney wants this study to be of the highest priority, his Press advisor stated today. We will return with more news after these commercial breaks.

All in the room that were listening to the newscast instantly picked up on the true significance of the story. The use of technology such as Cloud Stream, which allowed for whatever was being broadcast to reach a huge audience was being integrated into the Creator's Plan. Where hearing the music in concert in a particular city had impact upon it and some of the surrounding ones, broadcasting the same on Cloud Stream theoretically could impact entire States or Regions in the country and as he thought about it...the World since everything broadcast could be done globally today. Thought Technology, to which David Borden, Bella's dad had contributed so much in his career had truly changed the had made Satellites obsolete in certain segments of communication and if adapted to this type of broadcasting would totally change the world again. Prince was once again in awe of the Creator and His progressive way of doing things. He made a mental note to talk to David about this application to Thought Technology. This was logic...not just Supernatural although it was definitely that too. The combination of the two was mind boggling. Wow...the Father's intelligence was exactly as the Bible reported it. As far as east was from west, so was the difference in the minds of man and God. Prince thought about this technology piece of this puzzle. What if they recorded every concert that they performed going forward. They would not only have footage for future record releases, but they would have a history of the music that could be used repetitively as the Creator saw fit even after he and Bella were no longer on earth. He would discuss this with Andy and Carlos...he thought that this idea might be important. The doorbell rang and their food had arrived. Bella and Elaine got up to set the table but Frank said..."nope let me and my crew serve you tonight" and the security detail went into the kitchen to set the food out so that all could eat.

Another Chance Book I of IIIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant